15 most spectacular films of winter
Winter movies will not get bored: in anticipation of the Christmas holidays distributors throw all the forces out to drag the viewer in a cinema. It seems that they succeed - alone return of the "Star Wars" that stoit.Kogda outside wet and cold, large-scale Hollywood movie, with its glossy picture and a sense of fairy-tale accounts for more than ever. Website tells what movies worth watching this movie for the winter in a healthy proportion of escapism.
Star Wars: The Awakening forces h2> Holidays this year will come earlier than usual, in the case of Russia, it will happen on December 17 - then come to rent the new "Star Wars" . However, they have become an event that we have not seen such unanimous preparing for a hike in the movie world. With each billboard Darth Vader calls using MasterCard, Internet ignite serious battles on the subject of whether the attack to be dark-skinned, but the trailer has the sickest point, playing on collective nostalgia - old Han Solo shamelessly utters the phrase: "Chewie, we are at home" .
Krampus h2> Adam Scott of "Parks and Recreation" as well as funny indie comedy about an orgy with Jason Schwartzman "Overnight", has decided to dilute the usual comic roles role in the bloody horror. The film initially takes the tone of a familiar family comedy, but it quickly turns into a Christmas horror. Remember how scared you as a child that Santa Claus did not bring? Here, everything is worse. The authors went further and decided to raise the old German folk music, whose traditions have altogether Santa Antichrist - Krampus. This is not just the most Krampus gifts will not bring, but is willing to take anything, such as your life, if you misbehaved.
disgusting eight h2> C this film Tarantino has happened bad story. For a long time the director refused to take it off because of the fact that someone leaked the script in a network. After that, he considered the possibility to publish the "eight" in the form of the novel, and then arranged for reading the script for her roles on the stage.
Survivor h2> Inarritu finally fell in after the "Berdmena" brought together an impressive number of nominations and wins at last "Oscar". His new film, which grew out of the novel in 2013, even bleaker. Directed true to himself, concentrating entirely on his character, the American pioneer Hugh Glass. Leonardo DiCaprio, who got the role, did not know for almost matted beard, though he himself, and not his character, overcame 300 kilometers crawling. After the fight with a bear companions die cast Glass, however, willpower and desire for revenge win: he goes in pursuit through the deadly winter.
Creed: Legacy Rocky h2> «Rocky" - the perfect Christmas movie, because it helps to direct life in the right direction (we even included him in a list of motivational last year). As Stallone prove nothing more, he is willing to go to help the dreams of others. The actor will play Rocky Balboa again, only now the veteran is no longer enters the ring, and trains talented young boxer Adonis (Michael B. Jordan of "wiretapping" and the new "Fantastic Four»).
bearish h2> For the book by Michael Lewis «The Big Short» took one of the founders of the comedy "Anchorman" Adam McKay and starring act heavyweights Brad Pitt, expertly played in the "Cheloveke that changed everything" , put another book on Lewis and Steve Carell, proved his dramatic talent, Christian Bale and Ryan Gosling. The film offers to remember the global financial crisis eight years ago, but will look at it from the inside - through the eyes of people, the first to notice that the economic bubble is about to burst.
Sisters h2> The best comedy combo planet Tina Fey and Amy Poehler together again. Comedian and sisters in life, so why would not they play relatives on the screen. They are so different, but yet they are together: the heroine Fey and Poehler decide to throw a party last before their parents sell the childhood home. Of course, after the fateful evening, they will realize that their differences are not so many, and combines them into a first love.
Joy h2> As it became clear after the "American Hustle" Laurence with director David O. Russell - a truly lethal force. The "Joy" to be joined by the third true friend Bradley Cooper. Russell's new film is essentially a dramatic interpretation of the life of the creator of "Miracle Mops" Joy Mangano, overturned the stereotype of "women with cloth and plates" on its head, becoming one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the US 90.
The Girl from Denmark h2> gaining momentum conversation about the relationship with the community of transgender people can not get into pop culture. Works and spend it with varying degrees of well - often the problem is that the authors can not always rely on their own experience and not fully understand the issues. In "The Girl from Denmark" role of the heroine Lili Elbe, is aware that she is not a man, in spite of their biological sex, he went to Eddie Redmayne. Elbe, the real beginning of XX century artist, was the first woman to win the opportunity to change their sex surgically.
Deadpool h2> Ryan Reynolds - one of the few Hollywood actors, who in his time was able to play two different superheroes. In the past, not a very good Green Lantern now Reynolds tries himself in the role of favorite teenage anti-hero Deadpool. Deadpool among other characters Marvel universe stands apart: it is a little crazy, and therefore knows what is in the comics. Because of this, it is often "breaks the fourth wall" and speaks directly to the reader.
French Riviera h2> Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt want you to know that they have everything well. Their new film, which they both produced and in which they themselves played, looks subtle trolling those who regularly tries to find a hole in their family. It's time to really settle down - as if the tabloids might wish, some people are willing and able to work on a strong relationship. "Cote d'Azur", among other things, and looks like a kind of therapy, allowing the couple Jolie-Pitt to play the scenario a potential gap or at least the crisis of marriage. Although Jolie-directed work on the circle usually collect much more negative reviews, look at how two beautiful people suffer on a background of the Côte d'Azur, is at least interesting.
Zoolander - 2 h2> Is there a more luxurious movie than "Zoolander"? An open question. But joking aside: to explain pop culture status of the first film with Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson in the lead roles is not necessary. Instead, here are some facts about the second part: the character of Will Ferrell does not wear a wig - a real hair actor, androgynous models already offended by comic image Cumberbatch, and the French fashion world, in turn, on how the fashion industry filed a movie. However grotesque and politically incorrect comedy Stiller, even if it is at least half a witty as the first, certainly will be able to glory.
Hail Caesar! h2> Brothers director shoots a film about the internal kitchen industry, "Hail Caesar!" - is the name of not only the real movie, but fictional, whose white-toothed star steals a mysterious group called "The Future" . In search of a hero sent Josh Brolin, whose work - to solve the problem before the star, they will flow away to the press.
Mr. Holmes h2> «Mr. Holmes" - is another modernized interpretation of the classic characters and plots. Holmes in recent years strongly associated with Cumberbatch as Sherlock sample of the XXI century, but the film knows her worth, is not trying to compete and occupies a separate niche. It is based on the novel lay down a decade ago «A Slight Trick of the Mind», which is already quite old Sherlock Holmes recalls his last case. Alas, memory starts to fail once brilliant detective. Sir Ian McKellen, fortunately, is still able to walk without a cane, unlike his hero, but that the image of Holmes, is no less convincing, if not many more successful.
Pride, Prejudice and Zombies h2> How has the world seen interpretations of "Pride and Prejudice": the classic and not-so TV series and movies, fanfikshen, YouTube-series "Diary of Lizzie Bennet," and even a decent detective continued, "Death comes to Pemberley. " The novel "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" - this is already postmodern mashup traditional ostinovskogo world with a futuristic zombie apocalypse.