The medicine from chokeberry.
If you ever noticed at red stars on the body or in the eyes of the red squirrel. You have to know that this small burst blood vessels. This could be the pressure, you could not miss from a great physical exertion, from a sharp angle. The reasons may be different, one thing is clear - your blood vessels are fragile. And they need to be strengthened. Almost everyone on the dacha growing black rowan. And, if not increasing, it can easily be bought on the market. Juice and liqueurs treat atherosclerosis, hypertension, vascular fragility. If you are mentally tired. Recipe for drug infusions Squeeze 1 liter of juice from the berries of chokeberry, hawthorn Boil - 1 kg of berries, 3 cups of water. Boil for 15minutes, a little cool. Strain the broth. Mix with juice. Add 1 tablespoon of honey, Drink 50g, 2 times a day. In the morning and in the evening. During the month. After a break of 2 months, you can repeat the course.