Sorry, but you do not starred in cartoons? ..
When the animator creates characters inspired by real people he encountered in life. But these people have not seen any multipliers! We wording Website Ask: How did it happen that some sovereshenno ordinary people were poured Toon ?! Amazing coincidence! Here, judge for yourself:
Lila h2> Farrah Abraham and Lila from a fantastic animated series "Futurama».
Else h2> Florida Actress Anna Faith as two drops of water similar to the cartoon character "The Cold Heart».
Cleveland Brown h2> The real counterpart of Cleveland from the animated series "The Cleveland Show».
Edna h2> The little girl looks like ektsentrichnuyu Edna Maude of "The Incredibles».
Ned Flanders h2> American actor Walter White has some similarities with Flanders from the popular cartoon "The Simpsons».
Carl Fredricksen h2> Double sweet old man from the cartoon «Up».
Bruce h2> A little known actor Efren Ramirez is similar to the character of the animated series "Family Guy».
Bob h2> Outrageous hairstyle Rihanna made her a prisoner pozhozhey Bob from "The Simpsons».
Montgomery Burns h2> The main villain of "The Simpsons" and its real counterpart.
Boo h2> Baby Boo from "Monsters, Inc.».
Scruffy Cleaning h2> Here's how to look Scruffy from "Futurama" in real life.
Mother Angelica h2> Mother Angelica from the animated series "Rugrats!»
Velma h2> Double cartoon Velma from "Scooby-Doo».
Consuelo h2> Real twin maids of "Family Guy».
Cartman h2> That would look like Cartman from "South Park" if it was a man.
The old lady h2> The old lady of "Looney Tunes».
Vector h2> villain Vector from "Despicable Me" is similar to the character of "The Big Bang Theory».
Lila h2> Farrah Abraham and Lila from a fantastic animated series "Futurama».
Else h2> Florida Actress Anna Faith as two drops of water similar to the cartoon character "The Cold Heart».
Cleveland Brown h2> The real counterpart of Cleveland from the animated series "The Cleveland Show».
Edna h2> The little girl looks like ektsentrichnuyu Edna Maude of "The Incredibles».
Ned Flanders h2> American actor Walter White has some similarities with Flanders from the popular cartoon "The Simpsons».
Carl Fredricksen h2> Double sweet old man from the cartoon «Up».
Bruce h2> A little known actor Efren Ramirez is similar to the character of the animated series "Family Guy».
Bob h2> Outrageous hairstyle Rihanna made her a prisoner pozhozhey Bob from "The Simpsons».
Montgomery Burns h2> The main villain of "The Simpsons" and its real counterpart.
Boo h2> Baby Boo from "Monsters, Inc.».
Scruffy Cleaning h2> Here's how to look Scruffy from "Futurama" in real life.
Mother Angelica h2> Mother Angelica from the animated series "Rugrats!»
Velma h2> Double cartoon Velma from "Scooby-Doo».
Consuelo h2> Real twin maids of "Family Guy».
Cartman h2> That would look like Cartman from "South Park" if it was a man.
The old lady h2> The old lady of "Looney Tunes».
Vector h2> villain Vector from "Despicable Me" is similar to the character of "The Big Bang Theory».
via fishki.net/1595072-17-ljudej-kotorye-uzhasno-pohozhi-na-personazhi-izvestnyh-multfilmov.html
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