A good example of how the Socialist-networks can make an ordinary man Terrorists
It Virender Dzhubbal (Veerender Jubbal) from Canada, he is a Sikh and has nothing to do with terrorism. But it was absolutely not care about some joker) that otfotoshopit one of his self. Do not wag called "put" the guy suicide belt, replaced IPad in his hands on the Koran, and added falloimitatop unnoticed in the background. It is obvious that the photo was taken as an example of black humor based on racism, but media took everything seriously.
Original Self Virender Dzhubbala
Photo Virender Dzhubbala before and after Photoshop. IPad replaced by the Koran over his shirt wearing a suicide belt, and placed a bath barely noticeable falloimitatop as a clear sign that the photo has a humorous character.
But soon the picture otfotoshoplennoe noticed pro-IGILovskie groups that have argued that Virender terrorists involved in the attacks in Paris.
Create fake news was quickly scatter on Public and Personal user page.
Then this news even appeared on the cover of several newspapers.
And it ended with the fact that the news appeared on the front page of a popular Italian news sites SkyTG24, having almost 2 million followers on Twitter.
However, the hype about this picture began to fall sharply once Virender Dzhubbal published this record.
"Check out the latest retweets. Let's start with the principal. I never have been to Paris. I am a Sikh - man with a turban. I live in Canada. »
Once the truth has opened the public reaction was not unique, some blame the media who do not check the facts, deceiving hundreds of thousands of people, while others were accused Virender, accusing him of a certain likeness of online terrorist.
Original Self Virender Dzhubbala

Photo Virender Dzhubbala before and after Photoshop. IPad replaced by the Koran over his shirt wearing a suicide belt, and placed a bath barely noticeable falloimitatop as a clear sign that the photo has a humorous character.

But soon the picture otfotoshoplennoe noticed pro-IGILovskie groups that have argued that Virender terrorists involved in the attacks in Paris.

Create fake news was quickly scatter on Public and Personal user page.

Then this news even appeared on the cover of several newspapers.

And it ended with the fact that the news appeared on the front page of a popular Italian news sites SkyTG24, having almost 2 million followers on Twitter.

However, the hype about this picture began to fall sharply once Virender Dzhubbal published this record.

"Check out the latest retweets. Let's start with the principal. I never have been to Paris. I am a Sikh - man with a turban. I live in Canada. »
Once the truth has opened the public reaction was not unique, some blame the media who do not check the facts, deceiving hundreds of thousands of people, while others were accused Virender, accusing him of a certain likeness of online terrorist.
Her son did not live before the wedding and mother asked him in the photos Add Photos
The face of the Fire is completely melted and the doctor made him a new from scratch