The best plant growth and hair volume.

After every hair wash, use the infusion of fenugreek (also known as "fenugreek", "Shambala"). He specifically smells you like! It feels like the smell of the hair honey!
Seeds needed, rather than powder. The powder is usually used as a seasoning for various dishes. To prepare the powder is not suitable. They also say that if you drink the infusion of fenugreek, normal metabolism, and this infusion helps women to increase breast.
Buy fenugreek can be in the shops with spices on the market or in the Indian shops. It is inexpensive, 100 g of seeds is enough for 2 months, even with frequent use.
The main advantage of fenugreek - it gives volume no matter how you dry your head: a hair dryer or naturally. You can even go to bed with wet hair, and in the morning rascheshetes and they will be super-bulky. Using them, you can at least every day. Bringing it will only benefit!
How to prepare and apply.
* 2 tbsp. spoon the seeds pour into a thermos. Pour boiled water and leave to infuse for 8-10 hours (overnight is possible).
* Then shake the thermos and strain the infusion through a sieve or cheesecloth. Seeds overcome.
* Seeds, if there is time, grind in a blender, add 1 tsp. Of any oil (burdock, castor, coconut, sesame) and applied to the hair as a mask before washing the head.
* Infusion can simply rub in clean hair, paying special attention to the roots. It is better in the wet, as long as they were not yet dry, but it is possible and has already dried.
* More convenient to pour the infusion into a bottle with a spray and spray on the roots and throughout the length. Rinse do not need anything! Infusion remains on the hair.
During drying the hair may seem a bit sticky, but when they dry and you rascheshete them - they are light, clean and voluminous. Be sure to try it! The hair will thank you!