10 Yoga exercises for a strong and healthy sleep

If there are exercises that you can perform in bed, when you have just woken up. So there are some exercises that can provide a strong and healthy sleep;)
Exercise 1. Meditation. Let's start with the most important relaxation - relaxation of consciousness. Sit in a comfortable position for you, sit back a little on the pillow, put his hands on his knees, close your eyes, breathe slowly and just a few minutes.
Exercise 2. Twisting sitting. After a short meditation remain in the sitting position and do lay on both sides. Carefully and slowly, turn first to the right side, putting his left hand on the right knee. Hold for a few breaths twisting. Then slowly turn to the left side (right hand on the left knee). Usually twist performed in a pose of "Turkish", that is, legs crossed and tucked under her.
Exercise 3: a slight forward lean. Remaining in the same seated position with legs crossed, gently lean forward, arms stretched forward, and put them to bed. So you remove the tension in the back and neck.
Exercise 4. Longitudinal fold with a straight back. Straighten your legs in front of him, the socks, knees slightly bent, back straight. Grab hold of the toes and slightly pull yourself forward, bending your elbows, your back remains straight. Make sure, that there was at the feet of tension. If stretching allows, you can completely straighten the legs.
Exercise 5. Longitudinal fold with a rounded back. From the first fold gently go into the second, a rounded back. This exercise gently stretches the muscles along the spine.
6. Exercise your knees to your chest. Now go to the exercises while lying down. Lying on his back tighten to his first one knee, clutching his chest. Hold this position for a few breaths and switch legs. Also during this exercise can be a little wiggle from side to side. It is well pull your leg muscles and relieves tension from the thighs.
7. Exercise Stretching the hamstring. Staying in a lying position, straighten your right leg, grab hold of the toes, ankles, legs, or under the knee (so far as the stretch) and breathing slowly start to pull the foot-to-head with each exhalation getting closer and closer. Then do the same with the left foot. No sudden movements! Everything should be done carefully and slowly. Stay in the moment when your muscles tense up, not letting the foot further forward.
Exercise 8. Half a happy child. Bend one leg at the knee, grab her by the foot and tighten it to himself under his arm, holding the heel pointing to the ceiling. Do the same with the other leg.
Exercise 9. Twisting the legs bent at the knees. Bend your right knee and keeping the knee straight angle, do the twist, holding the bent knee to the left side of the body. When the blades should remain pressed to the bed, his left hand presses the right knee to the bed, and his right arm thrown away and keeps the body in place. Then do the same with the left foot.
Exercise 10. Twisting in the shape of a star. Pull the leg diagonally. The opposite arm and pull into the diagonal and look at your hand. Do the same with the second side.
Instructions and warnings for the practice of asanas B.K.S Iyengar.
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