uBeam promises to establish a secure transmission of energy through the ultrasound

Meredith Perry i>
UBeam Company announced the establishment of its high-performance transmitters and receivers of energy wireless technology. According to the company, their equipment working safely and effectively using the transmission of energy through the ultrasound waves.
The company has already received investments worth more than $ 23 million . Management companies Meredith Perry [Meredith Perry] argues that such a large amount of investment is due to the complexity of the technologies developed by them. She mentioned in an interview that "all the other investments of sponsors of Silicon Valley - is all sorts of applications and social networks", and their technology - "is so complex that it seems fraud».
The existence of the first prototype technology became known in 2011. Then the novelty has caused a wave of skepticism because uBeam announced the safe transfer of energy in the air, without going into detail - they feared that competitors try to steal success by copying the technology. In uBeam employs 20 people, and the company has already registered three dozen different patents.
Indeed, no one has yet seen the working devices in action, and a description of their work looks doubtful. The company promises that the technology will save mankind from the use of wires in the house or apartment, and that the only transmitter able to feed from a distance and charge multiple mobile and other devices at the same time. In the long and rather vague description of the technology made statements about its effectiveness and safety, but no specific figures, photos, videos, and other materials not provided.

Judging by explanations site company, the technology works as follows. Placed somewhere on the wall transmitter automatically detects the device needs energy, and transmits it through the energy of the ultrasonic vibrations of the focused beam.
The transmitter receiving ultrasound, transforms it into electricity and fuels the consumer. Technology operates only in the line of sight. If between the transmitter and the supplied device should appear any foreign object, the transmission stops. Thus, the transmitter does not spend energy continuously. In addition, it means that the charging device is located in another room in your bag or even in your pocket will not happen.
According TechCrunch, uBeam apparatus operates with ultrasound in the range from 45 to 75 kHz, and is capable of transmitting power of at least 1, 5 watts using audio output in the range from 145dB to 155dB. Experts do not see anything impossible in this technology, but the difficulties with its implementation of the present.
The approximate cost of end devices the company does not disclose. How to cope with its task uBeam - time will tell. After all, in the struggle to rid the people of the wires she already has a serious competitor.
WiTricity company already has a presence in the finished device, operating on the principle of resonance of electromagnetic induction. The technology is also called WiTricity . A company Energous Corporation already have prototypes of equipment, transmitting and receiving radio waves through the energy. Their technology is called WattUp.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/265554/
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