12 facts about the British royal family, which you most likely did not know

Royals at all times attracted the public's attention: still, because their life is so different from the life of "mere mortals", for them there, in their palaces, for the gilded doors and wrought-iron gates of lives, I suppose, not as an example more interesting and more fun than the rest .
Paparazzi and representatives of the second oldest profession never miss an occasion and opportunity to lay out the pages of the media new stories or details about the life of the famous British royal house. But this is true, and that - not at all? Perhaps this is what you still do not know.
1. Rich, but not too

You probably imagine that the august persons can afford whatever they want, not only because of its unlimited power, but also an inexhaustible riches? Hurry up to be disappointed: The Queen is a mere 257-th place in the list of the richest people in the UK - its state in its pure form is only $ 550 million.
2. The Queen - two birthdays

Some people who were born shortly before or shortly after the New Year, so celebrate birthday twice, but generally usually birthday of one person. The Queen of the two - 21 April, she was born in the present, and in May or June on the occasion of her birthday are usually organized official celebrations.
3. Decree on the "royal fish»

Under British law, any representative of one of the types of "royal fish" - whales, dolphins and sturgeons - caught in the territorial waters of Britain, are automatically considered to belong to the royal family. The decree issued by Edward II in the 13th century and is still in effect, despite the fact that since it is proved that the dolphins - not the fish.
4. The highest performance

In 2001, Prince William entered the University of St Andrews in 2005 and graduated with honors. Among the heirs to the British throne, he had the highest grades!
5. The most "long-term" queen

Queen Elizabeth II is currently ruled by the longest in British history: the period of her reign today is 64 years. Queen Victoria, who reigned before her remained on the throne, 63 and 216 days. Hard to believe: the man in our time it is hard not to lose a job, even during the year, not to mention the more than 60 years!
6. The first daughter in a university degree

Prince William - is not the only member of the royal family, to receive academic honors. His wife Kate Middleton also studied at the University of St Andrews (where they met). Kate has a degree in history of art, making it the first "bride of the Crown" with a university degree.
7. On the concept of succession

Only in 2013, the United Kingdom departed from the concept of male succession, thus proclaiming that could inherit the throne any member of the royal family, regardless of gender. You may ask: How, then, Elizabeth II ascended the throne? Very simple: her father had no sons.
8. "Besfamilnov»

What is the name of the Queen? Perhaps many would like to know. But in fact it is not so important: being on the throne, a person can take him almost any name. Elizabeth II's father changed his last name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor; later it turned into Windsor Mountbatten-Windsor.
9. Full of house subservient

Buckingham Palace unbelievable huge. It is located on an area of 77,000 square meters, 775 rooms in it, and about 800 employees supporting its state and the life of the royal family is normal. There are cooks, maids, butlers, security, and even watchmakers!
10. Pope to come and go, and the Queen - remains

The current Pope - the sixth of the shifts in office during the Queen's reign. Maybe it will impress you even more if you know that all the Popes were 266 from 33 AD.
11. On behalf of the two brother

Someone changes the name because he did not like the name given at birth, someone - because it is associated with something unpleasant. The Royals also change their names - for ceremonial reasons: to reign, they need a new name, and they can select it. Queen Victoria was once the Princess Alexandrina, King George - Prince Albert, and so on.
12. About an America

Recently it became known that, while the United States declared independence from Britain in 1776, between the United States and Britain still have a connection - related: the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton falls relative founding father George Washington.
He began to sing. When she joined, everything just speechless.
Comprehensive training for the hands.