9 reasons to pick up the child a tablet

Electronic devices make our lives much easier and easier. We are constantly in touch with your loved ones can share photos, impressions. We can develop and learn new things. But, unfortunately, not always the use of these devices is reasonable. Especially when it comes to children, who have unrestricted access to their gadgets.
Website , based on studies conducted by Kaiser Foundation, gives several reasons why it is necessary to teach the child to use modern technology sparingly.
1. At an early age begin to form relationships with people. H3> to 2 years of a baby's brain triples. The voice of the parents, their touch, cooperative games can help children to form in this way, and then to establish normal emotional connections with other people. But kids who are already in such a small age have access to gadgets that are constantly watching cartoons, all a little different. Their nervous system begins to grow worse, it's bad for concentration and perception of the people around them.
2. No tablet and phone Children do not experience depending. H3> «Technology attract people that in the virtual world can be endlessly to try something new. It is very difficult to give up their use, precisely because there is no limit to satisfy their desires, "- says Dr. Gary Small, a professor of psychiatry and director of the Center for longevity at the California Institute of Neurology.
At the touch of a button the child can get what you want. That's why he gets used to the smartphone immediately and, unlike an adult, can not always control himself.
3. There will be another reason for tears. H3> If a person has an attachment to something, he gets annoyed if he is taken away. This occurs at any age. Therefore, when a child rolls a tantrum, do not rush to give him back plate only in order to appease. This will bring only temporary relief.
"If these devices are becoming the main tool to soothe and distract young children, how will develop their own internal mechanisms of self-control?" - Asks Dr. Jenny Redeski.
It is better to try to calm the child a kind word, a promise to go for a walk or distracting story.
4. Improve sleep. H3> It is proved that the use of electronic devices in the evening adversely affect the quality of sleep and bad for the state the next day. The nervous system is resting between 21:00 - 1:00. However, many teens neglect this holiday, replacing it with a more fascinating pastime. And, unfortunately, less useful.
5. To increase interest in learning. H3> Many parents notice that smartphones are constantly distract the child and make it more diffuse.
"These devices are sometimes replaced by practical activities necessary for the development of sensory-motor and visual-motor skills, which are important for learning" - adds MD Boston University Jenny Redeski.
Video and online games are also able to restrict the creative imagination of the child. And do not be afraid that the child may now boring. When he was bored - so there is reason to think of something. This is how children develop the ability to think creatively.
6. The child will be more sociable. H3> We learn to be polite, try not to hurt other people just because, once offended someone, will forever remain in the memory image of a certain reaction to our words. And over time, it becomes clear that it is necessary to speak, and that can hurt another. But, unfortunately, when we chat online, we can not hear the tone, not able to see the body language, facial expression. We can not feel the changes in a person's mood. Meanwhile, all these skills are the foundation for the establishment of human relationships.
"Technology can make the process of communication easier," - says school psychologist from Boston, Dr. Kate Roberts. "But when we have unlimited access to this form of communication, we will begin to forget about the live games. Some children even try to avoid the natural manifestation of human nature, because they are so much easier ».
The child must be constantly alive to communicate with their family, with their peers, because the only way he will be able to learn how to show empathy, to understand the nature of others. Only live communication will teach him to feel at ease in the company of other people, which is very useful in adulthood.
7. The physical state depends on the activity. H3> As a rule, if we use your gadgets, you are in a static position. And sometimes a few hours can sit in one position, occupied what is happening on the screen. Needless to say, this inactivity can be a cause of weight gain, not only in adults but also in children.
According to the study, children whose parents are not allowed to access the Internet from his bedroom, much less likely to be obese.
8. Natural children's kindness persist longer. H3> The later the child will face a manifestation of violence, the better. It is no secret that many video games are based on the principle of the struggle. Abuse of such games dulls the sensitivity of the little man to the cruelty and can raise a child's belief that aggression - this is a good way to solve problems.
9. Nothing is more important than the rest of the child. H3> The huge flow of information, sometimes unnecessary and harmful, makes even the adult restless. What can we say about children who are even less resistant to various disturbances. Someone said something in social networks may somehow degraded, and a children's peace disturbed. It is much easier to write than to say in the face, and thus increases the probability of occurrence of such situations, which is a huge stress for teenagers.
via ontwolanesof-freedom.tumblr.com/post/84665708180/breathe-happiness-children-siblings
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