NYPD using mobile X-ray scanners, without the knowledge and consent of citizens

ZBV-scanner i>
According the newspaper New York Post , the NYPD has taken adopt an unspecified number of vehicles equipped with mobile X-ray scanners, based on обратного dispersion . These scanners can "see" inside the cars, homes, and under the clothes of passers-by. The fact that the use of police scanners surfaced in connection with a lawsuit filed by a human rights organization.
Mobile scanner called Z Backscatter Van (ZBV), appears to be a normal van, 15 seconds is enough to enlighten any vehicle. Scanning equipment can even be controlled remotely from a distance up to 500 meters. The cost of this mobile scanner составляет about $ 800 thousand .

Another option wagon i>
In contrast to the classic X-ray scanners, X-ray-based backscatter does not require the object inside the unit. Reflected rays from the object are captured and converted into an image. At the same time such a scanner can show organic fabrics and other non-metallic materials, such as explosives, plastic weapons, etc.
These scanners are gradually emerging in the airports. It is alleged that the dose of radiation received by them is extremely small. According one study, radiation exposure resulting from scanning at the airport, and will not be 1% of the additional the radiation dose received during a flight in the upper atmosphere.
The existence of such ZBV-scanners at various state media was известно More in 2010 , And by the time they have been used for several years by the KGB, the military and some police units. One of the higher officials of the Customs, Patrick Simmons [Patrick Simmons], claimed that the mobile scanners from 2008 to 2010 was held more than a thousand of seizures that result was found and seized nearly 45 tons of drugs, currency to $ 4 million and a dozen illegal migrants .

An example of the image from the scanner i>
In addition, employees of state services claim that the images of people receiving ZBV, represent only silhouettes - for it can be found hiding illegal migrant, but you can not identify the man, his race and age.
But against such scanners are the human rights activists. In fact, the resulting image can be seen a man without clothes, so on the admissibility of viewing the images obtained by persons carrying out security checks, there are constant debates. Some critics argue that a similar technique can be compared to searches without a warrant.
And as a mobile scanner that looks not only at the clothes of passers-by, but also in cars, and even in the light of the building (popular in America veneer plaster huts), and did has caused a wave of criticism. "Van that travels down the street and people looks at clothes in their homes? In my opinion, this is a violation of privacy and we do not have to deal with such things, "- said Rep. Jason Chafets [Jason Chaffetz].

An example of the image from the scanner i>
The problem is that only 2010 manufactured by ZBV, American Science and Engineering (AS & E), has sold about 500 of these machines - a precise list of buyers, no one except the manufacturer, no. According to a company press release, she sells the machines to other countries. They bought their Thai police, customs and Bulgaria, New Zealand, and other foreign service.
And now it turns out that the NYPD uses the ZBV on an ongoing basis. At the same time the higher ranks of the police refused to reveal the amount available to the law enforcement machinery, and the frequency of their use, as well as provide answers to other questions raised. Police Commissioner Bill Bratton [Bill Bratton] said only: "The use of these devices falls under the security and anti-terrorist activities. They are not used to search for weapons in people ».
Journalist Michael Grabell [Michael Grabell] on behalf of the human rights organization Pro Publica has три Year seeking from the city administration in the court of the responses to questions about using ZBV. In connection with the possible invasion of privacy of citizens and damage to health, the organization believes that the public should know all the details of the use of such equipment, and in general to decide exactly how the police should ensure their safety.
The perturbation caused by both human rights defenders by the fact of the use of such equipment, and the fact that law enforcement agencies are trying to keep it a secret as much as possible. Human rights activists believe that the use of equipment that is likely to violate the privacy and harm, should be strictly regulated.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/264378/
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