9 tricks for the proper storage of food.
Due to the fact that we are improperly stored products, they deteriorate, and we have to throw them away. Often, this situation arises from the fact that people buy products for the week ahead, and do not have time to use everything. Do not be upset, there is a solution. There are ways to help extend the life of products. We have prepared for you 9 most useful life hacking, which can be used at least every day.
1. To honey stored longer, put it in a dark place, tightly closed lid.
2. I usually * CA stored in the refrigerator. But sometimes there are cases when the hostess does not have time to use all I ca *. They can be frozen without loss of taste and consistency. Use an ice cube tray, add a little salt or sugar, * that I ca not become grainy. Use these n * CA will mature when needed. Very convenient way.
3. The greens can be stored in a glass jar, lid closed, or in a plastic bag with holes in it has done. You can wrap the herbs in the wet tissue towel, and then put it in cold storage.
4. Keep the cheese in a special paper bag or parchment paper. Do not wrap it in plastic. In order for the cheese cox can lubricate a fresh slice of butter.
5. Save Pineapple upside down. So they will be sweeter.
6. Keep the green onions in water. Cleanse the stems and place the bulbs in a jar of water. Feathers Wrap a wet towel and cover with a plastic bag. Put the jar on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. So green onions to be stored for about 2 weeks.
7. Pumpkin store shelves better, peduncles up. The main thing - not on the ground. Pumpkins in any case should not come in contact with each other. Yet they can be stored in the hay or straw. If you're holding a pumpkin on the balcony, covering it with a cloth to protect it from the sun.
8. Ginger root is stored in the refrigerator for a week. Thus wrap it in plastic wrap. Be sure to check that the root was dry.
9. Clean corn on the cob. Fill a bowl with water, add a few ice cubes, lemon juice and salt (1 ch. L. 1 liter of water). Place the solution in corn cobs no more than half an hour. Slay water and separate the wheat. Then put the corn in sealed bags. In this manner they can be stored for three to four weeks.
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via takprosto.cc
1. To honey stored longer, put it in a dark place, tightly closed lid.

2. I usually * CA stored in the refrigerator. But sometimes there are cases when the hostess does not have time to use all I ca *. They can be frozen without loss of taste and consistency. Use an ice cube tray, add a little salt or sugar, * that I ca not become grainy. Use these n * CA will mature when needed. Very convenient way.

3. The greens can be stored in a glass jar, lid closed, or in a plastic bag with holes in it has done. You can wrap the herbs in the wet tissue towel, and then put it in cold storage.

4. Keep the cheese in a special paper bag or parchment paper. Do not wrap it in plastic. In order for the cheese cox can lubricate a fresh slice of butter.

5. Save Pineapple upside down. So they will be sweeter.

6. Keep the green onions in water. Cleanse the stems and place the bulbs in a jar of water. Feathers Wrap a wet towel and cover with a plastic bag. Put the jar on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. So green onions to be stored for about 2 weeks.

7. Pumpkin store shelves better, peduncles up. The main thing - not on the ground. Pumpkins in any case should not come in contact with each other. Yet they can be stored in the hay or straw. If you're holding a pumpkin on the balcony, covering it with a cloth to protect it from the sun.

8. Ginger root is stored in the refrigerator for a week. Thus wrap it in plastic wrap. Be sure to check that the root was dry.

9. Clean corn on the cob. Fill a bowl with water, add a few ice cubes, lemon juice and salt (1 ch. L. 1 liter of water). Place the solution in corn cobs no more than half an hour. Slay water and separate the wheat. Then put the corn in sealed bags. In this manner they can be stored for three to four weeks.

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via takprosto.cc
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