Coub - looped videos
Short repetitive commercials - zritelya.Ploschadka terrific impact on the content of the new format, called Coub appeared in the vast network is relatively recent, but steadily gaining popularity. It is a website that allows you to take any existing video on Youtube or Vimeo, make him an interesting looped fragment left their track.
Application Coub can find very different: you can create a "live" photos show the three-dimensional objects: everything from online stores, cut scenes from movies and create texts of videotsitat. However, the most popular entertainment genre acquire rollers.
A perfect example - an ingenious Kobe, combining video from the movie "The State Counselor" with the track rapper Kendrick Lamar
If over the video to fill the music, you get endless clip. When the video is done perfectly, there is no beginning or end. This differs from the format of the video - you can start and finish watching Kobe anywhere. As the format of GIF, now experiencing a second youth, it is well suited for distribution of various memes and funny visual images.
The country does not have to guess:
The site is no registration from the viewer does not require, and is well suited for publication in your existing channel in the first place - on Facebook. All the best Kobe still reach your feysbukovskogo tape and the time to watch all the videos straight friends you hardly enough. However, you may want to try their own strength, and then go on coub.com will only to check views and enjoy their lucky find.
Mana Mana:
Fight Club: Where is my mind?
Harlem Shake - Happy Tree Friends Version
Beautiful far:
Every day
Mikhail Boyarsky in his best years:
Ball Satan:
Your examples of brilliant c Coub clips or maybe personal creativity - in the comments!
via coub.com
Application Coub can find very different: you can create a "live" photos show the three-dimensional objects: everything from online stores, cut scenes from movies and create texts of videotsitat. However, the most popular entertainment genre acquire rollers.
A perfect example - an ingenious Kobe, combining video from the movie "The State Counselor" with the track rapper Kendrick Lamar
If over the video to fill the music, you get endless clip. When the video is done perfectly, there is no beginning or end. This differs from the format of the video - you can start and finish watching Kobe anywhere. As the format of GIF, now experiencing a second youth, it is well suited for distribution of various memes and funny visual images.
The country does not have to guess:
The site is no registration from the viewer does not require, and is well suited for publication in your existing channel in the first place - on Facebook. All the best Kobe still reach your feysbukovskogo tape and the time to watch all the videos straight friends you hardly enough. However, you may want to try their own strength, and then go on coub.com will only to check views and enjoy their lucky find.
Mana Mana:
Fight Club: Where is my mind?
Harlem Shake - Happy Tree Friends Version
Beautiful far:
Every day
Mikhail Boyarsky in his best years:
Ball Satan:
Your examples of brilliant c Coub clips or maybe personal creativity - in the comments!
via coub.com