Caldera - a masterpiece of animation
The short film, received the award of prestigious animation festivals, in 10 minutes will change your soznanie.Inogda it happens that by viewing the animation you breath drawn world charm so that the time stops, thoughts are carried far away, and it seems like you - it is not you at all. Animation «Caldera», which brought together all conceivable and inconceivable awards at international festivals, it makes an impression.
«Caldera» reveals the theme of a very difficult and at the same time actual - altered states of consciousness the person when erases the boundaries between dream and reality, and it seems that it was not at all. Stunning direction, characters, color, music, and history itself captures all your attention and does not let go until the most titles, and only then you will understand that these 10 minutes of video that something changed in you, right here and right now.
http://player.vimeo.com/video/62596239?title=0&byline=0&color=ffffff video>
The film's director Evan Viera and Chris Bishop removed it entirely on the basis of Hampshire College in the framework of programs to support independent film together with the students and professors, for whom this was the first experience of participation in such a project.
The film's director Evan Viera says: «Caldera was created inspired by my father's struggle with schizophrenia. He danced on the rings of Saturn, talked with angels, escaped from his demons and lived in a fantasy world, which is invisible to most of us. "Caldera" - is a kind of nod to my father and all the brilliant minds who are entangled in the depths of his psyche. »
See also:
Animation Magic "Thinking of you»
Excellent cartoon from Disney
Re: Short film of the year!
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/ra-korotkometrazhka-goda-458555/
«Caldera» reveals the theme of a very difficult and at the same time actual - altered states of consciousness the person when erases the boundaries between dream and reality, and it seems that it was not at all. Stunning direction, characters, color, music, and history itself captures all your attention and does not let go until the most titles, and only then you will understand that these 10 minutes of video that something changed in you, right here and right now.
http://player.vimeo.com/video/62596239?title=0&byline=0&color=ffffff video>
The film's director Evan Viera and Chris Bishop removed it entirely on the basis of Hampshire College in the framework of programs to support independent film together with the students and professors, for whom this was the first experience of participation in such a project.
The film's director Evan Viera says: «Caldera was created inspired by my father's struggle with schizophrenia. He danced on the rings of Saturn, talked with angels, escaped from his demons and lived in a fantasy world, which is invisible to most of us. "Caldera" - is a kind of nod to my father and all the brilliant minds who are entangled in the depths of his psyche. »
See also:
Animation Magic "Thinking of you»
Excellent cartoon from Disney
Re: Short film of the year!
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie-919705/ra-korotkometrazhka-goda-458555/