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21 habit of happy people

It would seem simple. Or are you happy or not, and affect you no matter what you can not. It turns out that you can be happy-volunteer force. You just need a little bit to try and get some useful habits.

Huffington Post has published a list of 21 habits that have almost all a happy man. Material has caused tremendous resonance, typing in two days more than 250 thousand likes on Facebook. Website has adapted this article for you. 21 habit of happy people:

They surround themselves with happy people
Joy is contagious. Researchers from the Framingham Heart Study, involved in the phenomenon of "spread happiness" over 20 years found that those who are surrounded by happy people, "likely to be happy in the future." Sufficient reason to reduce the proportion of dull by cheerful friends. They smile
Even if you do not feel cheerful, think of something good and smile at the thought. This should help. But it is important not to pretend. If you smile and think at the same time about the bad, it will only get worse. They develop the ability to recover
Psychologists believe that it is the ability to recover - the antonym of depression rather than happiness. Happy people know how to recover from the shock. It's kind of weapon against the inevitable adversities that occur in everyone's life. Japanese proverb says: "I shall fall seven times, stand up eight." They are trying to be happy
Yeah, it's as easy as it sounds: just try to be happy really improves the internal emotional state. They are attentive to good
Celebrate important achievements, which was long and hard, that's important, but happy people are paying attention to the little victories. When we take the time to notice some good stuff, we get just a little more emotional impact, which allows us to feel better during the day. They appreciate the simple pleasures
Eat ice cream on a bench in the park, pull the dog's ear, to feel, to see the rainbow. Happy people appreciate such things that do not cost anything to anyone, and there alone. Finding happiness in little things and be thankful for all that you have is directly related to a sense of joy. They devote part of their time to, to give
Even despite the fact that in the day of 24 hours, the positive part of these people spend hours trying to do good, which is sure to come back and bring something good in their lives. Volunteer work or just selfless good deeds great impact on mental and physical health. And these people get depressed less often. Interestingly, psychologists know such a thing as "the buzz helps." They allow themselves to lose sense of time
When you are immersed in something devilishly complex, inspiring and meaningful, you experience something that can be called "flow". Happy people subconsciously looking for something to do that will require certain skills, will be a challenge, will motivate them and have clear objectives. To their "claimed" this flow, causing the feeling of success. They prefer a deep communion of light chatter
There is nothing wrong to share with someone a couple of light sentences, but to sit down for a long talk on serious topics - it's a great experience to feel happy and alive. And it brings more satisfaction than just blablabla. One of the top five regrets of the dying people - "I wish I had that I had more courage to talk about their feelings." Sentimental thing that really shows that we are chatting about the weather than about what makes our hearts overflow. They spend the money on other
Money can buy happiness. But only if their waste not only itself, but also to other people. Giving - better than taking. They can hear
When you listen, you open to new knowledge. When you say you are blocking them from entering. In addition, listening to the people you are showing self-confidence and respect for them. And people can not remain indifferent to this, they have positive feelings to you, that make you a little more happier. Listening - a skill that strengthens relationships. They communicate
Send a text message, or call to post anything on social networks - it's fast. But to fly halfway across the country to see a dear friend - a much steeper. Anyone in need of a sense of belonging to other people, but it needs to communicate with friends. And it is not online. Social networks do not allow us to touch the person, and it is very important for happiness. It has long been proved. They see the good side of
Optimism excellent effect on health: less stress, which means fewer heart problems and better pain tolerance. And if you choose an intentional search for good in everything that happens, then you choose the health and happiness.

The same Seligman in one of his books gave one of the best characteristics of optimists and pessimists: "The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they believe that the poor will last a long time, destroy all that they have, and their own fault. Optimists who oppose exactly the same difficulties of the world, think about the bad luck in the opposite way. They believe that the defeat - it is temporary, that it is not their fault: the circumstances, bad luck, or other people. Such people are not worried about the defeat. Surrounded by troubles, they perceive them as a challenge and try harder. " They appreciate good music
In music power. Such that it can compete with the power of massage. Choosing the right music - it is an important factor. Happy or sad song can influence our perception of the world. In one study, people were asked to identify from photographs, whether happy or sad people depicted on them. In most cases their response to the mood of the music listened experimental at the moment. This means that we must try to listen more joyful music. They are disconnected from the network
Technology news, an abundance of information will not go away if you just for a while, leave your computer, do not take with tablet on or off at the time of the phone. Digital detoxification gives your brain the ability to recharge and relax. They are engaged in spiritual practices
Expression of gratitude, empathy and compassion - an important part of almost any religion. The production of "big questions" gives our lives context and meaning. In 2009, a study was conducted that showed that children who felt that they have a purpose and a higher purpose in life was happier than their peers who live just like that. And not only in religion, of course, as in any spiritual practice. "Sacred rituals" that we have in our lives. Whether it is meditation, prayer, a time for reflection on an ongoing basis. Daily, weekly, monthly - it does not matter. The main thing is to have such an anchor that regulates the life, makes her spiritually richer and gives us a respite from the eternal race. They are engaged in physical activity
Physical activity gives a person endorphin. Endorphins make people happy. Training relieve the symptoms of depression, anxiety, depression, due to chemical reactions in the brain. Plus, exercise gives us the opportunity to appreciate your body and love it, and it is very important for a good mood. Interestingly, even if a person does not lose weight by physical exertion or reaches the top, he still loves himself more. They go for a walk
Nature - is fuel for the soul. Even a twenty-minute walk in the fresh air is good for our health. When we feel sluggish, we pour some coffee, but it's better to just walk and be recharged by nature. They are lying in bed
"Get up on the wrong foot" - not such a fiction. Waking up at the right period of sleep - is one way to avoid a bad mood for the day. Doctors do not recommend to immediately jump out of bed and run, it is better not to start waking up on his feet, and in the comfort of blankets and pillows. And, of course, you need to get enough sleep. They laugh
You've heard about it a hundred times: laughter - the best medicine. Laughter stimulates the production of the right hormones in the brain that allow us to feel happier, reduce sensitivity to pain and stress. And by the way, it is better to laugh on a regular basis. It is believed that the brain responds to regular laughter as well as the body reacts to a regular exercise routine. They are widely marching
And it's not a metaphor. Do happy people walk more freely, uninhibited, and wider steps. And it starts a chain reaction all the same brain. The freer we go, the happier we are, as paradoxical as it may sound. Try a small shuffling steps, staring at his feet. Feeling happy? That's just it. According to the materials: Huffington Post
Translation and adaptation: Website

via www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/16/happiness-habits-of-exuberant-human-beings_n_3909772.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular