Post adoration Monica Bellucci
It is impossible to believe that she 50.Monika Bellucci - it is a woman's dream. It is not like other actresses in the same way as all the actresses not a bit like her. It is called the "Italian Goddess", the beauty of any man who fought on the spot, it is only pass by.
She yavletsya mother of two beautiful children, speaks three languages, and practices yoga. This woman is divine, and there is nothing to add. Website gathered for you the best quotes and photos of the actress, which is impossible not to love.
The beauty of a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when it is not, and when there is nothing but beauty.
People can forgive a man mind, even talent, but the beauty - never.
A woman can love as if they will never go away. But there may come a day will go as if at all, and did not like.
Beauty becomes a lively and interesting when it is hidden clothing.
In my opinion, it's silly, being young and beautiful, to become a kept some moneybags infinitely fast life at parties. Beauty should help us to find harmony, love and meaning in this crazy world.
Human knowledge has increased significantly in technology - but not in the sphere of feelings.
Acting - this is not the word. Holly Hunter is not said in "The Piano," a word and received the "Oscar».
Femininity - the harmony, naturalness and sensuality.
I do not understand women who say that the male desire to humiliate them. In my opinion, they are simply not in harmony with itself.
I am a good mother. But that does not mean I'm a good girl. I need the risk.
Feel interior comfort - this is not what you look like in appearance and the way you feel inside.
Beauty is really the force, but only if you know how to use it. It's like having a "Ferrari": if you can not ride for real, she'll to anything.
Every woman likes to be loved.
Love lives only if there is mutual respect and freedom. The desire to possess another thing like - is absurd.
No need to hate people who are jealous, because they recognize that you are the best.
We belong to no one: neither our husbands or children. We can only something to share with people we love.
Never in the world would not like that to me again was 20. Now I'm a lot happier than then, because at that age, we still recognize ourselves, trying to figure out what we want to be, suffer from self-doubt. Now I know exactly what I need and what I can not live.
I'll never be thin. I am by nature a rather lazy. I like to eat. I real - such. And it does not intend to become unreal.
Someone told me that in all the artists have sleeping beauties and every time, playing the role of one of these beauties wakes. Inside, we have everything. We only need to see it.
via # image9311860
She yavletsya mother of two beautiful children, speaks three languages, and practices yoga. This woman is divine, and there is nothing to add. Website gathered for you the best quotes and photos of the actress, which is impossible not to love.
The beauty of a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when it is not, and when there is nothing but beauty.
People can forgive a man mind, even talent, but the beauty - never.

A woman can love as if they will never go away. But there may come a day will go as if at all, and did not like.
Beauty becomes a lively and interesting when it is hidden clothing.
In my opinion, it's silly, being young and beautiful, to become a kept some moneybags infinitely fast life at parties. Beauty should help us to find harmony, love and meaning in this crazy world.
Human knowledge has increased significantly in technology - but not in the sphere of feelings.

Acting - this is not the word. Holly Hunter is not said in "The Piano," a word and received the "Oscar».

Femininity - the harmony, naturalness and sensuality.
I do not understand women who say that the male desire to humiliate them. In my opinion, they are simply not in harmony with itself.
I am a good mother. But that does not mean I'm a good girl. I need the risk.
Feel interior comfort - this is not what you look like in appearance and the way you feel inside.

Beauty is really the force, but only if you know how to use it. It's like having a "Ferrari": if you can not ride for real, she'll to anything.
Every woman likes to be loved.

Love lives only if there is mutual respect and freedom. The desire to possess another thing like - is absurd.

No need to hate people who are jealous, because they recognize that you are the best.
We belong to no one: neither our husbands or children. We can only something to share with people we love.

Never in the world would not like that to me again was 20. Now I'm a lot happier than then, because at that age, we still recognize ourselves, trying to figure out what we want to be, suffer from self-doubt. Now I know exactly what I need and what I can not live.

I'll never be thin. I am by nature a rather lazy. I like to eat. I real - such. And it does not intend to become unreal.
Someone told me that in all the artists have sleeping beauties and every time, playing the role of one of these beauties wakes. Inside, we have everything. We only need to see it.
via # image9311860