Italian diva Monica Bellucci once again proved to everyone that time is not over her

There are women over whom time has no power. One of those ladies. Monica BellucciaIn 2023, it still looks beautiful and beautiful. She will be 59 in September, but she still has male eyes. However, what a sin to hide, female attention actress is also not deprived. I love looking at Monica’s pictures and being inspired by her beauty.

GettyImages How does Bellucci manage to keep fit despite his age? Today we will try to understand this issue!

Monica Bellucci 2023 This year, the darling of millions, Monica Bellucci, will celebrate her 59th birthday. Age is serious, but the actress does not pay attention to the numbers. She still acts in films and is photographed for fashion glossy publications.

Recently, the Italian appeared on the cover of the Greek version of Vogue magazine. The stunning photos stirred the consciousness of faithful admirers of the publication. Bellucci is still good! She does not hesitate to bare her legs, wear transparent stockings and high-heeled shoes.

A stud at almost 60? Pf, take it higher! We're sure this lady will be wearing these shoes at 70. Not surprisingly, Monica inspires many women to take more care of themselves and their appearance.

Over the years, Bellucci's style has changed. She dressed very openly and sometimes even defiantly, then, on the contrary, very restrained, but elegant. However, in the first and second cases, the actress attracted the inquisitive glances of men and women who did not cease to admire her. What's the secret? Is it the natural magnetism of a hot Italian?

The way Monica Bellucci looks after herself, Monica is really good-looking, and partly her natural gift. The actress embraces her aging with her head held high. She is confident and understands what she wants out of her life: I don’t want to be 20 again. Today I am much happier than I was when I was young, when I was just trying to recognize myself and suffered from insecurity. Now I know exactly what I need and what I can do without.”

Monica believes that every woman should first learn to love her body, no matter how far from ideal. After all, any ideal is fiction, and a lady with impressive forms is no less beautiful than a thin one. It is with this realization that the best time in a woman’s life begins.

“Being beautiful at 20 is the norm. But being beautiful at 35 and 45 is already a way of life. According to the fresh photos of the actress, we can see what lifestyle the Italian chose for herself.

Bellucci never considered herself thin. And to endure exhausting hunger strikes for the sake of the desired forms that society dictates, it will never. Monica loves her body the way it is with all its flaws. This is where acceptance of yourself begins.

The Italian loves yoga, but it is not always possible to practice it regularly. But she tries to go to the pool at least 3-4 times a week. Sport has become an important part of Monica’s daily routine. In addition, she monitors the water balance and drinks a lot of clean water.

Other tricks Italian Monica likes to sunbathe, although he understands that the sun adversely affects the condition of her skin. But we are not without sins! The actress tries to compensate for her bad habit with good care. Every day begins with a contrast shower. And then the woman applies a tonic and a moisturizer with SPF protection to her face.

Also, the actress tries not to apply too much cosmetics to the skin of the face. The pretentious makeup is long gone. Down with the plaster! In 2023, Monica Bellucci often focuses on the eyes, which makes her look even more expressive. Do you like makeup like that?

What do you think of Monica Bellucci? Do you like this actress?

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