12 useful sites for the study of European languages

If you already own one foreign language to master another one will be easier. Site "theory and practice" chose useful English-language sites with public access to independent study French, German, Italian and Spanish - via podcasts, games, opera arias and detective stories.

- Duolingo
- My Daily Phrase Italian
- LearnItalianPod.com
- One World Italiano
- Mission Berlin
- Mein Weg nach Deutschland
- Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten
- Land der Wörter
- Languages Online
- Easy French Poetry
- French Quizze of the Day
- RFI - Journal en français facile
- Destinos
- Coffe Break Spanish
- News in Slow Latin Spanish
- Digital Dialects
via theoryandpractice.ru/posts/8163-language-online
- Digital Dialects
- News in Slow Latin Spanish
- Coffe Break Spanish
- Destinos
- RFI - Journal en français facile
- French Quizze of the Day
- Easy French Poetry
- Languages Online
- Land der Wörter
- Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten
- Mein Weg nach Deutschland
- Mission Berlin
- One World Italiano
- LearnItalianPod.com
- My Daily Phrase Italian