20 acute films about human psychology

Website I have prepared a list of films that can not only keep you busy at night, but to plunge into the mysteries of the human soul and mind, excite the imagination and get to sit in silence in front dark screen, thinking about what he saw. In such it is not capable of any textbook on psychology.

"Master" - an exclusive film about the power of charisma and cheloveskoy suggestion, to which you can apply a lot of epithets. But its main feature is that it is "working" with the audience immediately on several levels of perception. With perfectly calibrated performances and powerful images of movie actors stirs the deepest levels of the subconscious mind of viewers, causing both disgust and a strong empathy and a desire to reconsider. You will understand why.
Dangerous metod

This picture, ruthlessly exposing the human essence from a psychological point of view and opens our eyes to the difficulties, from which most of us are just trying to hide. The film, which stands at the helm of David Cronenberg himself and the team were noted notorious Michael Fassbender, Viggo Mortensen, Keira Knightley and Vincent Cassel, will appeal to all who at the mention of the names of Freud and Jung appear gleam in his eyes.
Tree zhizni

The most mysterious American director Terrence Malick took a movie that affects the spiritual and the sensual side of human existence. Trying to combine the macrocosm and the microcosm, with the help of music and the author of video displays throughout life - from its inception, the "beginning" of time, and to the life of an average American family given the mid XX century. Individual attention, amazing pictures of origin of the universe.
One Flew Over the kukushki

This film - one of the few that was received with enthusiasm by critics and professionals, and a mass audience. Despite all the glamor, the picture is significantly different from the book was the basis for the film adaptation. But the basic idea of the director Milos Forman preserved: many people's problems can be solved, if only to make an effort and do not sit idly by. Which demonstrates the protagonist McMurphy.
Good Will Hanting

"Good Will Hunting" - a worthy sensual movie that is a whole palette of emotions - laughter, sadness, tears and laughter through tears. In the story of the lost life of genius director Gus Van Sant and screenwriters Ben Affleck and Matt Damon put his heart and soul. There was a thought, each conversation. So after watching the film are very unusual sensations in the soul and heart.
Sea vnutri

This is one of those films that will certainly need to look at. Largely because of the brilliant play of Javier Bardem. Some will admire the main character, someone to sympathize with, and someone to condemn, but everyone is sure to find in this movie something special. "The Sea Inside" - a beautiful, deep and unhurried film. And the feeling after viewing similar jump from a cliff into the sea. Something heavy, like a hoop, compresses the chest, and it becomes difficult to breathe. And then on the lips there is the taste of salt ...
Interrupted zhizn

Wonderful movie, clearly illustrates the fragility of the human psyche. It cuts to the quick. It's hard to explain: whether the atmosphere of the psychiatric clinic, or replicas heroine Angelina Jolie, and maybe all together. I want to watch the credits, and then another 10 minutes to look in the dark computer screen, to fully understand this film.
Kingdom total luny

Adventure and beauty - this is the important components of the story. The young scout with the girl sent away from his life in search of adventure. Just? Well, I do not. The director Wes Anderson turned unique film timeless, ideal for those who want to hide for 90 minutes of insane adulthood.
My boyfriend - psih

"Collection of a ray of hope" - so the film in the original, and perhaps it best describes the impression of his view. Very interesting, memorable, touching story about people who are going through difficult periods of his life, did not even give hope and confidence - everything can change.
Planet of the Ka-Peks

A mysterious alien from the planet K-PAX suddenly appears at a busy railway station. It looks unremarkable man - except that sunglasses and slight smile observer distinguish it from the crowd. So begins this undeniably great film. If you do it right, you will see: the world Ka-PAX exists in parallel with our life. And each his own. He is in us.
Mulholland Drayv

The film is like from another dimension. Film-mystery that put forth by David Lynch and hardly be able to solve that with the tenth time. Tape surprised every second, fascinates with its style draws alluring charm deprives of speech and, in the end, a sound sleep.
Black lebed

Psychological drama with a delightful game of actors, incredible atmosphere, beautiful classic soundtrack and a whole palette of different emotions. From tantrums ballerina Nina in a luxury performance Natalie Portman sometimes it brings cheekbones. And itself pops the question: "What is more important - mental stability or imaginary perfection?».
Burglars serdets

Although the "I Heart Huckabees" - a comedy, do not expect from her hackneyed plot and the traditional comedy. This is a fairly complicated and profound movie. Place the person in the world, a place of peace in the human, environmental protection, hypocrisy, love, loneliness, and kinship - that the topics that are addressed in this seemingly easy picture.
Mr. Nikto

All humans are immortal for a long time and happily watching the TV show with the main star - a decrepit old man mad Nemo, who tells how he lived. Only now it's not clear chronological narrative, and different versions of his life. What a way to end chose Mr Nemo? Maybe all this all just a fantasy? Perhaps this is the best film, in which the past, present and future are intertwined together.
Ice veter

This film Ang Lee does not give up on anything and makes no judgments. But it shows the invisible side of the marriage, the option of development of relations, which in the beginning, no one thinks. The film runs slowly, and gradually open up more and more new secrets. This is a drama for those who like to feel heavy films and evaluate good game wonderful actors of the first magnitude.
Lord prilivov

Barbra Streisand withdrew difficult and controversial film. On the one hand, a melodrama for a light sauce of psychoanalysis, and with another - a serious drama about loneliness. Despite this, every frame is saturated with light colors, romance and great music, so two hours fly by.
Breaking volny

This is Lars von Trier, and that's it. The film "Breaking the Waves" is not intended for the general public. It is a love which knows no boundaries, and shall communicate to recklessness. The story looks at one go, but in the end the author has hit ...

The film directed by Joe Wright's "The Soloist" is a very powerful and colorful work of art. She is like a bottomless vessel holds a lot of important things. But most importantly, this film - a cure for indifference.
Man dozhdya

Charlie, gruff and selfish young rake, has a problem: his father left the lion's share of the inheritance of his autistic brother Raymond patient. To reclaim the wealth brother, Charlie kidnaps Raymond and holds him hostage. But the fact that it was conceived from selfishness turns into a magical odyssey of friendship and self-awareness that separates the border of a separate world of Raymond, and Charlie lets you escape from the shackles of his once-insensitive soul.
Images from the movie: kinopoisk.ru
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