10 "lazy" hairstyles for summer
summer are always so many interesting cases: walks, picnics, trips. Look at the same time want a good, but so that the beauty gets very quickly.
< Website I have found 10 hairstyles that do not require time.
Multicolored tyurban
It made from any light scarf.
Miniature puchok
Putting the side curls and loose hair is tangled by the wind.
Double hvost
What could be simpler?
Volume ponytail for short volos
And short hair can make an interesting tail.
You will need foam and lightweight fleece.
The effect of wet volos
It is enough to handle wet hair foam and comb them.
High polupuchok
Hair and collected, and dissolved at the same time.
Twisted hvostik
Divide the hair into three beams, each twist and anchoring bolts.
Side hvostik
Easier than you can imagine.
High beam "cotton candy"
The beachfront restaurant it would be very out of place.
Wrapped French kosichka
Just follow the instructions.
See also:
14 hairstyles that can be done in 3 minutes
10 simple hairstyles for 5 minutes
via vev.ru/blogs/10-lazy-hairstyles.html