Parents and their children are like two peas in a pod
Every parent wants the child to be like him. But these celebrities got a much more - their kids just poured out a copy of their moms and dads.
Website suspects without cloning there has not been.
Cindy Crawford and Kaya Dzhordan
Meryl Streep and Mamie Gammer
Will Smith and Jaden Smit
Julianne Moore and Liv Helen
Katie Holmes and Suri Kruz
David Beckham and Brooklyn Bekhem
Tom Hanks and Colin Henks
Clint Eastwood and Scott Istvud
Goldie Hawn and Kate Hadson
Andie MacDowell and Rainey Kueyli
Vera Brezhnev and Sofia Kiperman
Madonna and Lourdes Maria Ciccone-Leon
Gwyneth Paltrow and Apple Martin
Uma Thurman and Maya Ray Thurman-Houk
Reese Witherspoon and Ava Elizabet
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