Throw all

Get rid of unnecessary in your life. Start with cleaning.
Love to the trash - a fat hint that you are strongly tied to the past, and it hinders the way of the future.
Our house - a continuation of ourselves, our reflection. If you want to change - first of all loans to their housing. When the house is clean and tidy, and the mind comes into order, and things are improving.
If you deal with old shoes, you can change the hairstyle, job, apartment or to take another look at what there is.
General principles
To free himself from the rubble in the house, you have to be decisive and ruthless, and clearly understand what it's doing. Keep in mind the following:
Before you buy something new, get rid of something old. If the item is not suitable for a year or two, it does not need to have had. Ask yourself, you leave this thing because it makes you happy, or because it just need to leave? If the latter, then it is time to throw out the broken Tamagotchi in the trash. Your memories - it's not physical objects. Get rid of the old cracked vase grandmother does not mean get rid of the memories of how wonderful was your grandmother. If it is not clear whether or not to throw out some things, hide them somewhere for a month. The fact that during this time need , You can leave the rest - in the trash. You do not have to bear all the dump. Certainly I am completely new things that have never been used or put on. Share them, give to charity or Arrange a garage sale. Wardrobe
Start with clothes and shoes. Leaving the old stuff, just in case, you admit that this case will come and will have to go, for example, in shabby trousers. Therefore, developing a philosophy of poverty, thinking that you can not buy new things, and you will have to wear the old, unfashionable, pre-patched them.
All the old and worn, with stains, holes - in the trash. Every old thing - it is, in fact, unrealized dreams and plans. The less you leave things, the sooner wardrobe replenished with new. It is important to have in her wardrobe REALLY favorite things . Favorite things give confidence: they sit on you in some other way, and feel them as something special - and this feeling is transmitted to all others. The things when wearing them feel physical discomfort or which are associated with unpleasant memories must be mercilessly driven out. In general, keep the cabinet in order hang clothes by color or style, do not leave clothes hanging back, in time to submit to the laundry dirty. li > Room and furniture
Do not be surprised that the plan always something interferes. Look how much stuff around you, preventing the circulation of your ideas. When the house is filled with things that you love or that you use often, they are energized. A debris, on the other hand, have a strong negative influence.
In the first place the trash should "make happy" Chipped and cracked crockery and mirrors with some defects. Broken appliances - repair or throw away. Exile subject books that were bought by accident and who had never used. Ultimately, it should remain a set of books that will reflect you today and this how you want to be tomorrow. Always tempted aside obsolete or require repair things. But it's like to procrastinate happiness and harmony in the house. The maximum lifetime of a bed or couch (at least the mattress) - 10 years old, pillows - 3 years. Maintain homes cleanness. Let him look so cute and nice as you allow your money. Carefully Prepare even the most simple food, and lay the table with the taste, which is only capable of. The feelings when buying new things will affect the well-being when this thing will be in your house. Buy only what is perfect, not just pretty. It is necessary to constantly change something in the home, rearrange the furniture, wash the dust. Let things know that they are not forgotten.
See also:
How not to be lazy pig fat and start living
13 signs that you are wasting a life wasted
via www.adme.ru/psihologiya/13-priznakov-togo-chto-vy-tratite-zhizn-vpustuyu-677655/