Picnic in the cemetery and babies unattended. 10 features the Danish mentality.
What do we know about Denmark? First of all remember a number of stereotypes about the Vikings, whalers, Hamlet, the designer LEGO, «Little Mermaid» Andersen and his other tales. On the same modern manners and customs of the Danes, we know not too much, because this country is not very popular with our travel agencies. And it is in vain!
Denmark - an amazing country with many attractions. It will not disappoint even the most demanding tourist. But for those who still dare to visit it, you should know about some of the interesting features of the local mentality. About them now and we'll tell you.
Live on Law of Jante
Denmark, though considered a capitalist country, but in fact is an example of the developed socialism. Although the Scandinavians call it "life on the Law of Jante." This phrase was written by Aksel Sandemose and represents the mentality of the Danes, the main value of which is social equality. It is not accepted to boast of their wealth and in the order of things can be found ministers traveling to work by bicycle.
Do not zashtorivat window
Strolling in the evening on the streets of the Danish, the first thing you notice how much light is pouring from the windows of houses. And only then you realize - this is because the windows shuttered almost never! Danes themselves say that they have nothing to hide from others. And fences and curtains are necessary only for those who want to separate from society. As the locals live on Law of Jante, do not be surprised of such openness.
Sunbathing in the city
Danish climate is rather severe, and the weather is not so often pleases locals sun. In winter, the Danes reinforce your body tablets of vitamin D, and in the summer try as much as possible to spend more time in the sun. But if the beach far away and do not have time to go into nature, they can sunbathe right in the city sunbathing on the lawn in the park or on the ground came across the lawn.
picnics in the cemeteries
The Danes are accustomed to rest not only in parks but also on cemeteries. Here, they can simply lie back with a book in the shade of trees or have a family picnic. The dead should not interfere, but to help the living. Therefore, the Danes do not see nothing wrong to rest on an old cemetery, which over time looks more like a park, not as a place of mourning.
Worldwide use the flag
The national flag can be found here at every step. He has long been an object of decor rather, not just a symbol of the state. They decorate the birthday cake and Christmas trees, printed on napkins and linen. Miniature Danish flags even used in the acclaimed action Hundelort, which drew public attention to the problem of cleanliness in the cities. In order to shame utilities and unscrupulous dog owners who do not clean up after their pets, volunteers flags inserted in a handful of dog excrement.
Leave infants in strollers on the street
In front of the cafes and restaurants often possible to meet prams with sleeping babies in them. It is customary to leave their children sleeping outdoors while their parents are supported on the terrace. This custom has its roots in the time of plague. Thus parents are trying to protect children from infection, carrying them to the nature of the crowded rooms.
To appreciate personal space
While in Denmark few fences and curtains, private space is revered above all. It is not accepted to go into someone else's life and is rarely seen emotional fraternization with strong arms, clapping on the back and a triple kiss.
complete without a tip
Leave a tip or not - a private matter. If the service you particularly liked, you can reward the waiter a small amount that does not exceed 10% of the bill. Big money can be regarded as an insult. By the lack of tipping here are quite calmly.
strictly follow the rules of
Like the Germans, the Danes strictly comply with all laws and follow the instructions. Here, no one crosses the street at a red light, even if there are no cars nearby. And practically no wishes to squeeze somewhere queue. Even if there is an audacious man, the rest of it immediately rein.
To tell the truth in the eye
The Danes are famous for their candor. If they did not like the meal at a party, they are about it and say, cordial host. If the girl is not her new dress to her about it and honestly informed. It is believed that even the bitter truth is better than a false flattery, because it helps people to improve.
I sincerely hope that the knowledge of the characteristics of life Danes useful to you on a fascinating journey. Even if you do not plan to visit the country, it is always useful to expand your horizons. And do not forget to please his friends interesting recordings - share with them this text.
via ofigenno.cc
Denmark - an amazing country with many attractions. It will not disappoint even the most demanding tourist. But for those who still dare to visit it, you should know about some of the interesting features of the local mentality. About them now and we'll tell you.
Live on Law of Jante
Denmark, though considered a capitalist country, but in fact is an example of the developed socialism. Although the Scandinavians call it "life on the Law of Jante." This phrase was written by Aksel Sandemose and represents the mentality of the Danes, the main value of which is social equality. It is not accepted to boast of their wealth and in the order of things can be found ministers traveling to work by bicycle.

Do not zashtorivat window
Strolling in the evening on the streets of the Danish, the first thing you notice how much light is pouring from the windows of houses. And only then you realize - this is because the windows shuttered almost never! Danes themselves say that they have nothing to hide from others. And fences and curtains are necessary only for those who want to separate from society. As the locals live on Law of Jante, do not be surprised of such openness.

Sunbathing in the city
Danish climate is rather severe, and the weather is not so often pleases locals sun. In winter, the Danes reinforce your body tablets of vitamin D, and in the summer try as much as possible to spend more time in the sun. But if the beach far away and do not have time to go into nature, they can sunbathe right in the city sunbathing on the lawn in the park or on the ground came across the lawn.
picnics in the cemeteries
The Danes are accustomed to rest not only in parks but also on cemeteries. Here, they can simply lie back with a book in the shade of trees or have a family picnic. The dead should not interfere, but to help the living. Therefore, the Danes do not see nothing wrong to rest on an old cemetery, which over time looks more like a park, not as a place of mourning.

Worldwide use the flag
The national flag can be found here at every step. He has long been an object of decor rather, not just a symbol of the state. They decorate the birthday cake and Christmas trees, printed on napkins and linen. Miniature Danish flags even used in the acclaimed action Hundelort, which drew public attention to the problem of cleanliness in the cities. In order to shame utilities and unscrupulous dog owners who do not clean up after their pets, volunteers flags inserted in a handful of dog excrement.

Leave infants in strollers on the street
In front of the cafes and restaurants often possible to meet prams with sleeping babies in them. It is customary to leave their children sleeping outdoors while their parents are supported on the terrace. This custom has its roots in the time of plague. Thus parents are trying to protect children from infection, carrying them to the nature of the crowded rooms.

To appreciate personal space
While in Denmark few fences and curtains, private space is revered above all. It is not accepted to go into someone else's life and is rarely seen emotional fraternization with strong arms, clapping on the back and a triple kiss.

complete without a tip
Leave a tip or not - a private matter. If the service you particularly liked, you can reward the waiter a small amount that does not exceed 10% of the bill. Big money can be regarded as an insult. By the lack of tipping here are quite calmly.

strictly follow the rules of
Like the Germans, the Danes strictly comply with all laws and follow the instructions. Here, no one crosses the street at a red light, even if there are no cars nearby. And practically no wishes to squeeze somewhere queue. Even if there is an audacious man, the rest of it immediately rein.

To tell the truth in the eye
The Danes are famous for their candor. If they did not like the meal at a party, they are about it and say, cordial host. If the girl is not her new dress to her about it and honestly informed. It is believed that even the bitter truth is better than a false flattery, because it helps people to improve.

I sincerely hope that the knowledge of the characteristics of life Danes useful to you on a fascinating journey. Even if you do not plan to visit the country, it is always useful to expand your horizons. And do not forget to please his friends interesting recordings - share with them this text.
via ofigenno.cc
19 discouraging pictures, looking at who would like to ask a question: "How ?!"
15 evidence that children can sleep where and how you want. Bed for wimps!