Smart people live longer, say scientists
Editorial and so this did not doubt, but another study proving no harm!
Between life expectancy and mental abilities a lot more bonds than it might seem at first glance. And according to research by Rosalind Arden of the London School of Economics and Political Science and her fellow scientists, the most important factor, which sooner or later is applied, is genetics.
In the published article, scientists reported that the genes that make people smarter, also affect their life expectancy, increasing the resources of the body. This conclusion came after researchers analyzed and compared these indicators IQ and longevity between identical and fraternal twins from America, Sweden and Denmark. It turned out that the most intelligent twin typically had a longer life than his less brainy brother or sister. The discrepancy was even more obvious in the case of fraternal twins, which again pointed to the fact that genetics affects both life expectancy and the mental characteristics.
via hi-news.ru/research-development/umnye-lyudi-dolshe-zhivut.html
Between life expectancy and mental abilities a lot more bonds than it might seem at first glance. And according to research by Rosalind Arden of the London School of Economics and Political Science and her fellow scientists, the most important factor, which sooner or later is applied, is genetics.
In the published article, scientists reported that the genes that make people smarter, also affect their life expectancy, increasing the resources of the body. This conclusion came after researchers analyzed and compared these indicators IQ and longevity between identical and fraternal twins from America, Sweden and Denmark. It turned out that the most intelligent twin typically had a longer life than his less brainy brother or sister. The discrepancy was even more obvious in the case of fraternal twins, which again pointed to the fact that genetics affects both life expectancy and the mental characteristics.
via hi-news.ru/research-development/umnye-lyudi-dolshe-zhivut.html
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That's why you should only sleep on your left side