Online store of computer games legally owns the souls of 7,500 customers on the internet, thanks to the reservation in terms of the user agreement

The British company «GameStation», added item "Provision of an immortal soul" in the user agreement when buyer registration in the online store. It says that customers give the company the right to demand their souls within 5 working days from the date of the agreement.
Also, the agreement stipulated that the customer will receive a notice from the site, written by "a six-foot letters of fire", while the store is not responsible for the possible devastating consequences of such messages.
Below stated: "If you a) do not believe that you have an immortal soul, b) have already sold it to someone else, or c) do not want to provide us with such a license, please click on the link to skip this step."
As a result, 7500 people, or 88% of the total number of members agreed with this item, selling, so their souls seller of games.
Terms of sale of the soul has been made to the agreement as April Fool's joke, but this case clearly demonstrated that nobody reads online agreements, making purchases on the Internet, and companies are free to insert any conditions to such documents.
Source: www.foxnews.com
via factroom.ru
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