In humans, nine senses, not five

Five - the ones that we all know, that is, sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch - were first listed by Aristotle, who, as an outstanding scientist, yet often falls into the trap. (For example, according to Aristotle, we think with the help of the heart, the bees come from decomposing carcasses of bulls, and flies on all four paws.)
According to popular belief, a person has four senses.
Termotseptsiya - feeling of warmth (or lack thereof) on our skin.
Ekvibriotseptsiya - a sense of balance, which is defined cavities containing fluid in our inner ear.
Nociception - pain perception skin, joints and organs of the body. Strange, but this does not include the brain, where there are no pain-sensitive receptors. Headaches - no matter what we think - do not come from inside the brain.
Proprioception - or "body awareness." This understanding, which are part of our body, even we do not feel and do not see them. Try to close your eyes and shake his leg in the air. You will still know where your foot in relation to the rest of the body.
Source: www.bustersmyth.ru
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