The majority of Russian booster rockets are "more stupid media"

Big Dumb Boosters (BDB, in translation from English - the "big stupid media") are a class of carrier rockets, based on the idea that the mass production and operation is cheaper to produce large, heavy and powerful rockets simple design than to build fewer lighter constructively and better thought-out. Although much less effective when the rocket launch, its total cost is lower because fewer costs for construction, operation and maintenance. As in all mass production, manufacturers will have a great experience and will develop a large missile production infrastructure, which will further reduce costs. However, in the case of large rockets require fewer of them for launching payloads into orbit, that works against the idea of mass production.
Most Russian missiles closer to the concept of BDB, than their American counterparts. US missiles are usually constructed from advanced lightweight materials with extremely close tolerances, often using unique components, as a result they are very expensive. Many of them require very careful handling in the world to avoid damage. Russian rocket, on the other hand, a heavy, but easy to use.
Source: ru.wikipedia.org
via factroom.ru