7 facts about barcodes

1. A little more than a hundred years ago in the stores there was no bar codes, or even price tags. Buyer pointed out the goods who wish to purchase. Seller called the price of its own assessment of the solvency of the buyer, as a rule, estimating its appearance. And after that, if the price of the buyer is not satisfied, it is either traded or left.
2. The bar code was invented in 1949 still a graduate student at Drexel University Bernard Silver. According to him, an idea he borrowed from Morse code. As he himself said: "I just extended the dots and dashes downwards and made it a narrow and wide lines." But to apply the technology on an industrial scale it was only in the late 1960s, with the advent of lasers and computers.
3. The first barcodes were round, t. e. familiar to us thick and thin lines were closed in a circle. This was done in order to reduce errors during reading, and could bring the label to the scanner at any angle.
4. The first product with a bar code that was scanned at the cash register store 26 June 1974, has become a package of chewing gum Wrigley JucyFruit. One of them is now stored at the Smithsonian Museum of American History.
5. Bar codes do not necessarily have to look like a sad sequence of black and white stripes. Some designers manage to create from them the whole work of art, without compromising the properties of the bar code readability. This trend in the design of the packages received naming «Barcode art». Here are a few examples of this design:

6. There are many types of bar codes. But, by and large, the account can be divided into two groups: one-dimensional and two-dimensional. One-dimensional bar codes are familiar to us the sequence of thick and thin lines. Two-dimensional codes, in turn, is a matrix where the information is coded points and their position relative to the sides of the matrix. To read the two-dimensional barcode scanners need more complex, but they are able to store a significantly larger amount of information: up to 3 KB.
7. This is also a bar-code! Yes, the bar codes are colored! Microsoft has developed a standard Microsoft Tag, in which data is encrypted colored areas on the bar code. If these points are applied to the image, you get the picture, containing the information.

Source: www.brandselect.ru
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