There is the same place as the Bermuda Triangle - a Sea Devil

Devil's Sea (also called the Devil's Triangle, Triangle Dragon, Pacific Triangle, Triangle dragons) - so dubbed Japanese fishermen Pacific waters around the island of Miyake (about 100 km south of Tokyo). A large anomalous zone located in the northern part of the Philippine Sea. Researchers paranormal activity bring together this anomalous zone with the Bermuda Triangle on the grounds that it allegedly mysteriously disappearing ships and aircraft. In UFO literature one can find the claim that the Devil's Sea ships have seen ghosts and UFOs. In 1968, it was suggested that the Sea Devil and the Bermuda Triangle, along with other similar areas is the so-called Belt of the devil.
At this point, similar to the Bermuda Triangle, in 1993 for 10 months mysteriously disappeared about 48 ships and, in total, more than 200 sailors, whose fate - a mystery to this day.
Source: ru.wikipedia.org
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