Myths and facts about hair loss
In the treatment of baldness rely solely on the opinions of qualified doctors and techniques, and in any case not to believe many myths. Here are the most common ones.
Myth 1. Age - the main enemy of the hairline in fact it is not. Just have a mature male pattern baldness is more noticeable. The process of excessive hair loss can last for years, and for 40 years the head of a man may be too similar to the knee. However, statistics show that the majority of hair loss begins at the age of 20 to 30 years. There are cases when the scalp begins to disappear in adolescence. Yet the relationship of age and alopecia there. It is necessary to firmly remember: The earlier the hair loss, the more disastrous form it may take in the future. So do not be ashamed to discover the first signs of the disease at an early age: seek medical attention immediately. In the early stages of alopecia are often treatable.
Myth 2. Loss transferred maternal liniiRasprostranennoe statement: if you want to know whether you are waiting for future hair loss, look at the head of his maternal grandfather. In fact, this is misleading. In 2005, a group of German scientists really discovered baldness gene on the X chromosome, which is passed from mother to us. This discovery gave rise to the myth. In the scientific world, he was dethroned in 2008 when he was found a second gene pattern baldness - in the men's branch of the inheritance. Thus, the cause of your pain may be any of the parents. And only then, when in your case, alopecia is caused genetically.
Myth 3: The gel, and varnish - the cause of loss volosZdes we see a classic example of mass delusion. This statement is not devoid of any scientific basis. When people are faced with some "inexplicable" (even more so - unpleasant) phenomenon, they are willing to grasp at any straw, for any theory that once and for all calls only reason. So in this case. If lacquers and hair gels contain a variety of chemicals, then it is because they start falling hair. Logic in this statement is the same as in the words that earthquakes occur due to mining. Proponents of this myth offer with varnish and gel to give even the use of shampoo (there is also a lot of chemicals) and watch your hair fall will stop there, if you do not wash your hair for a month.
Myth 4. Loss of the use of too much shampunyaEsche one myth that usually lead conspiracy theorists. Of course, transnational corporations only think about how you and me cash. But no one will produce shampoo specifically, the use of which can lead to baldness. On the contrary, shampoo manufacturers are interested in, so that we have as much hair - that we spent as much shampoo. It is logical, is not it?
Myth 5: Hair like strizhkuMnogie men believe that his hair behave the same as on the face. We know that regular shaving helps result in the formation of dense brush. Unfortunately, the scalp does not respond to shaving and cut in the same manner. But after the drastic haircuts can create a temporary impression that the hair on his head was more. This is because near the roots hair thicker, and as soon as shear heavy ends, as if the hair is lifted, it is magnificent. But it is a deceptive effect. In fact, after clipping the hair on your head is not added.
Myth 6. You want bald - go to solyariySolyarii certainly ambiguous effect on health. Hard ultraviolet uzluchenie can lead to skin diseases and even cancer. But no one has yet managed to prove that the solarium can lead to hair loss.
A few popular myths read here
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