There is a profession "vymanivatel cats"
Every owner of a charming furry pet knows that there are times when all the charm suddenly disappears somewhere, and before the eyes of the owner appears a little enraged monster zabivshiysya in the most inaccessible corner of the room. And to lure him out completely impossible.
The easiest way to give up this time: well, let sit, calm down - work. But if you have a record, for example, to the vet for 3 hours, and an urgent need to go to the question of getting a cat from an ambush gets particularly acute. Usually it ends with scratched arms at the elbow and feline deep psychological shock. After such violence can and does pet owners hate and begin to take revenge favorite way: tear the walls, curtains, furniture and shit wherever falling.
In the US, the resourceful entrepreneur Jordan invented the profession of silver: vymanivatel cats. Her customers love their animals and they do not want their appearance evoked the hostility. Therefore they cause vymanivatelnitsu, and that for 80 bucks using nylon bags, Kevlar gloves, and excellent reaction drives rebellious cats in special traps. Business is growing and thriving, Jordan never out of work, and among the cats in New York about it, probably, is legendary.
via factroom.ru
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