There is a declaration of the rights of dolphins
Team animal rights advocates, scientists and philosophers have jointly established a declaration illuminating rights dolphins, which in the case, if it becomes law, will be able to protect them from inappropriate content in zoos, as well as from attacks by fishermen.
Scientists believe that dolphins are so smart that they should be treated as individuals, but not belonging to the human race. His report read out a team of specialists at the Vancouver conference, which was conducted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. It said that dolphins are very well-developed self-consciousness, because they recognize themselves in a mirror, they can feed the sick relatives, to mourn the dead cubs, as well as to help the fishermen, if the latter fed them for it.
The authors of the Declaration on the Rights of the dolphins are known in scientific circles as the Helsinki Group, a part of which, among others, the members of the British community to protect dolphins and whales. The declaration states that all members of the cetaceans (dolphins, beluga whales, and whales) have the right to life, and no one has the right to claim that he - the owner of these creatures, as well as do something that violates their rights or freedoms.
via factroom.ru
Japanese hornets bees execute, "welding" of their
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