The only case in history when the surgery was completed 300% fatal

200-300 years ago, the main indicator of the skill of the surgeon was speed. From that, the speed with which acted doctor, depended directly on the chance of a happy outcome of the operation. If you cut the leg too long and without anesthesia (not to mention the fact that the wounds did not know how to disinfect), the patient will die of shock. Of course, in terms of the speed with which the surgeon last wielded their tools, they had their champions. But the fastest operated a Scotsman Robert Liston.
He was born in 1794 and died in 1847. He was called "the fastest knife in the West End" - he could amputate his leg in two and a half minutes. This is how a witness described the operations that he carried out:
«He was tall and operated in a green raincoat and boots vellingtonovyh. He bounced around his faint and dizzy and sweaty strapped to the patient's couch like a duelist, referring to the students standing around the clock in the chain: "Note the time, gentlemen, note the time! "All were ready to swear that the first swing of his knife virtually coincided with the sound, which saw vgryzlis bone. To free both hands, he held a bloody knife in his teeth. »
blockquote> However, we should not think that all patients survived after his operation - rather the opposite. In those years, people have tried to stay away from doctors, and not in vain. Gangrene often followed a visit to the surgeon - the need to sterilize instruments and wounds have not yet been understood by physicians (but it's worth noting that Liston was one of the first to use ether for anesthesia).
Liston have been some of the most famous operations that he carried out. One of them was extremely effective - he was able to achieve 300% mortality among those present. But let's not get ahead of ourselves - here is a list of his records:
Fourth place: Four minutes Liston removed the 45-pound tumor in the crotch of the patient, which he carried before him in a wheelbarrow.
Third place: Liston argued with another doctor. At issue was throbbing red swelling on the neck of the boy. What is this, an abscess or aneurysms of the carotid artery? "Ha! - Liston exclaimed impatiently, - Where did such a young person aneurysms? "He pulled out a knife from under his cloak and slashed his neck boys. The owner of the house, which is what happened, as described further events: "Arterial blood spurted in all directions, and the boy fell." The patient died, but his arteries are still with us - you can look at it in a museum of pathologies at the University College Hospital.
The second place: Liston amputated leg to a patient in two and a half minutes, but in a fit of enthusiasm and even cut off the unfortunate scrotum.
And finally the first place: Liston amputated leg to a patient for two and a half minutes (the patient has finished in the hospital gangrene, as I said, it was a logical outcome of the case in those days). In addition, at the same time otkromsal fingers young assistant (who later also died of gangrene). In addition, the knife touched the clothes of one of the observers, who imagined that the knife proporol through him, then the poor man died of suspicious fear. And that is just what was the only case in history when the surgery was completed 300% fatal.