Only four days spent in nature, enhance creative abilities by 50%

Interaction with nature in the absence of computers and gadgets makes you half as much creativity. Psychology professor David Streer and his team of researchers have proved this fact with all the formal precision.
56 volunteers with an average age of 28 years on the job Streera made hiking in the wilderness of Alaska, Colorado, Washington and Maine for 4-6 days. This scientist strictly forbade them to take any gadgets, including smartphones. The subjects were tested for creativity ("Test of remote associations") before and after the campaign, which showed growth of creative abilities of an average of 50%.
The authors of the study emphasize that the results can not be attributed to the influence of strict contact with nature, the lack of gadgets, or a combination of these two factors. But in any case it is obvious that all of us in the summer it would be very useful from time to time leave tablets and smartphones at home and find time for communion with nature.
via factroom.ru
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