In one of the series "Tom and Jerry" the two heroes decide to commit suicide
The animated series "Tom and Jerry" has long been considered a nice children's cartoon where the cat throughout the issue is trying to catch a mouse, and nothing more. But over time, child psychologists rethink behavior of the characters of the series, and in our time claim that the amount of violence in the "Tom and Jerry" significantly exceeds the permissible norms for children. And in one of the episodes of "carefree" heroes and did decide to commit suicide.
Unlike Mickey Mouse, Tom decides to commit suicide by romantic reasons - his beloved pussy goes to another. Jerry, of course, do not miss the opportunity to make fun of a friend-enemy, but at the end of the movie, and he falls into a similar situation and is attached to the plans of the cat. The episode ends ambiguously: drooping Tom and Jerry are sitting on railway sleepers, and from behind them came the whistle of a steam locomotive.
via factroom.ru