Oddly enough, the bicycle is one of the best inventions of mankind
In order to evaluate its effectiveness, will conduct simple calculations. If you go on a bike at a speed of about 25 km / h, per minute can burn about 0, 049 kcal. Thus, a person weighing 80 kg burns 515 calories per hour, or about 34 kilocalories per kilometer.
A gallon of gasoline contains about 31 000 kcal. If a man could drink gasoline, then using five liters he was able to overcome some 1,400 km. Given that a conventional car can travel on five liters of about 50 km, the results are quite impressive. Of course, people can not drink gasoline and car weighs about one ton, while the weight of the bicycle - average 15 kg. However, analogue of gasoline can be considered a vegetable oil - calories in it about the same as in gasoline, and professional cyclists are fully capable to drive 40 km per hour. So that the effectiveness of the bicycle can be considered simply stunning, and yet he works exclusively due to "biological engine" - our muscles.
via factroom.ru
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