Steampunk in reality
One of the most stimpankovyh in spirit yet perfectly functional objects in the Old World - a suspended monorail in Wuppertal (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany). It has existed for over a hundred years.
Wuppertal monorail usually called Schwebebahn, official as its name much longer: Einschienige Hängebahn System Eugen Langen (monorail suspension system Eugen Langen).
Designed road engineer Langen, who in 1890-ies built in Dresden unique pendant funicular, and in 1880 - the first German Monorail in Cologne. Discussions on the construction of an overhead railway horse-drawn around Wuppertal started much earlier, in the 1820s, when an entrepreneur Frederick Harcourt designed by British inventor Palmer built a model of such deystvuschuyu monorail at Elberfeld *. City councilors want to stretch the road from Elberfeld in Langenberg (one of the areas adjacent Velbert), but because of opposition from landowners deal stalled. It was only in 1898 in Wuppertal monorail began to build. Construction overseen by the imperial inspector Wilhelm Feldman, lasted three years. Monorail cost of 16 million marks. October 24, 1900 Kaiser Wilhelm II himself made a test drive in a suspended car.
The road was opened in the next year - March 1, passengers took the first turn, Clouseau - Zoo, May 24 - the western branch to Fovinkelya. Eastern branch to Oberarmena opened only 27 June 1903. During the Second World War was seriously poverezhdeniya monorail, but was quickly repaired and put into operation in 1946.
Destroyed in the bombardment station "Clouseau" recovered during the reconstruction carried out in the past decade
Schwebebahn - it's 20 stations. Travel from Oberarmena to Fovinkelya lasts about an hour and runs at a height of 8-10 m. Rolling stock - 27 cars built in the 70s. Imperial wagon sample in 1900 and stored in special occasions goes on line. Wuppertal monorail - one of the most reliable and safest vehicles in the world. Accidents in its history can be counted on the fingers. These photos were taken in 1949 and 1951 (the fiftieth anniversary of the monorail). In between these surveys, in 1950 from the suspension of the car fell an elephant. Yes, the elephant. Named Tuffah. He was brought into the train at the station "Alter Markt" to draw attention to the circus tour "Althof". Travel Tuffah not like it, he decided to get off the train on the go, kicked in the wall of the car and fell into the river. Victims were five (including two of the elephant and reporters). No serious injuries they received. Director of the circus and the driver of the train was fined.
Elberfeld - since 1929, one of the areas of Wuppertal, before that - a city with its own local government.

Wuppertal monorail usually called Schwebebahn, official as its name much longer: Einschienige Hängebahn System Eugen Langen (monorail suspension system Eugen Langen).

Designed road engineer Langen, who in 1890-ies built in Dresden unique pendant funicular, and in 1880 - the first German Monorail in Cologne. Discussions on the construction of an overhead railway horse-drawn around Wuppertal started much earlier, in the 1820s, when an entrepreneur Frederick Harcourt designed by British inventor Palmer built a model of such deystvuschuyu monorail at Elberfeld *. City councilors want to stretch the road from Elberfeld in Langenberg (one of the areas adjacent Velbert), but because of opposition from landowners deal stalled. It was only in 1898 in Wuppertal monorail began to build. Construction overseen by the imperial inspector Wilhelm Feldman, lasted three years. Monorail cost of 16 million marks. October 24, 1900 Kaiser Wilhelm II himself made a test drive in a suspended car.

The road was opened in the next year - March 1, passengers took the first turn, Clouseau - Zoo, May 24 - the western branch to Fovinkelya. Eastern branch to Oberarmena opened only 27 June 1903. During the Second World War was seriously poverezhdeniya monorail, but was quickly repaired and put into operation in 1946.

Destroyed in the bombardment station "Clouseau" recovered during the reconstruction carried out in the past decade

Schwebebahn - it's 20 stations. Travel from Oberarmena to Fovinkelya lasts about an hour and runs at a height of 8-10 m. Rolling stock - 27 cars built in the 70s. Imperial wagon sample in 1900 and stored in special occasions goes on line. Wuppertal monorail - one of the most reliable and safest vehicles in the world. Accidents in its history can be counted on the fingers. These photos were taken in 1949 and 1951 (the fiftieth anniversary of the monorail). In between these surveys, in 1950 from the suspension of the car fell an elephant. Yes, the elephant. Named Tuffah. He was brought into the train at the station "Alter Markt" to draw attention to the circus tour "Althof". Travel Tuffah not like it, he decided to get off the train on the go, kicked in the wall of the car and fell into the river. Victims were five (including two of the elephant and reporters). No serious injuries they received. Director of the circus and the driver of the train was fined.

Elberfeld - since 1929, one of the areas of Wuppertal, before that - a city with its own local government.
