In Zimbabwe's own funeral is alive again "corpse"
At the funeral of a citizen of Zimbabwe 34-year-old Bryan Lady Zante, when family and friends are "late" passed the coffin to pay their last respects to a dear person, one of my friends happened to notice that the dead man lying in a coffin legs twitch. Of course, immediately called an ambulance, and after a while "dead" Brian was able to return to normal life.
What Zante "rose from the dead", though it is an amazing event, but still can not be counted among the wonders. History, when it was believed the deceased people wake up just before the burial of their own, not as rare as one might think. Very often these events occur in third world countries where the population is not available to qualified medical care.
When the heart stops beating, consciousness fades immediately. Perhaps it is the people, waking up just before the burial, and sometimes after it, were one of the causes of the legends of vampires and zombies. In the Victorian era to the grave even summed tubes for air circulation and bells to "dead man" was able to call them and thus to report that he is alive, if you suddenly wake up.
Nowadays, mistakes happen even in the determination of death with the help of special equipment. Medical personnel are not usually spends on a statement of fact of death many times. Instead, doctors are paying more attention to the wounded or sick patients who are still alive and in need of assistance, which is quite reasonable. No one is watching patients whose death is already installed, and the body sent to the morgue.
Interesting fact: In the 1700s, doctors were so concerned about premature burial that offered to build throughout France "waiting mortuaries", which placed the recently deceased, where they were under the supervision of doctors, wandering among the dead and looking for signs of life. At the cemetery, the body is sent only when clear evidence of decomposition.
via factroom.ru
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