By 2100, the ninth year the number of people who died from the heat, almost double

The reason for increasing the number of people who died from the heat in the first place would be a dramatic change in the climate of our planet. Spent recently in Manhattan study suggests that the number of deaths caused by global warming will exceed the number of deaths from hypothermia.
For example, last year the British Health Protection Agency submitted a public report forecasts growth of deaths from the heat at 10 000 cases per year in the UK alone, which is five times larger than the current time.
At the moment, because of the heat in the UK die every year 2000 people. This is mainly the elderly or suffering from chronic diseases of humans. And by 2080 the ninth year the temperature in all parts of the world could rise by 10 ° C, which would entail not only an increase in deaths from overheating, but also the spread of some exotic diseases like dengue fever and chikungunya.
via factroom.ru
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