People will be able to regenerate damaged body parts like salamanders

Australian researchers have identified salamanders immune cells, allowing them to reconstruct damaged limbs and organs.

Salamanders - the unique animals of the order of amphibians, the only vertebrates possess regenerative functions. Adults can grow almost any lost body back and even (in part) of the brain. In addition, any wound heal on their skin without a trace: no remains of any scratches or scars. Mammals do not have such properties - for their loss of irreversible moreover, after damage to tissue scars remain.

Thanks to the research of James Godwin (James Godwin) and his colleagues from the Australian Monash University scientists have lifted the veil of secrecy ability salamanders to regenerate. An important part of the healing process in these animals were macrophages - cells of the immune system capable of actively capture bacteria residues of dead cells, fungi and other toxic to the particles. The study found that the salamanders, devoid of macrophages, lost their regenerative capacity, and they as well as other animals, were scars. This feedback after replanting immune cells salamander can grow back limbs and tails.

Now the task of scientists is to find out exactly how macrophages promote regeneration - this knowledge will help to develop drugs for the treatment and rehabilitation of people. If Godwin and his team succeed, it will be a breakthrough in medical technology reengineering. Perhaps it will even allow you to treat patients with diseases of the spinal cord and the effects of traumatic brain injury.



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