Round tables set up on a friendly footing, and square and rectangular - competition

Science has proven - King Arthur acted absolutely correctly, placing the guests at the round table, participants such as meals less inclined to quarrels and even feel more secure, and seating guests for square or rectangular table provokes each to manifest their own identity.
The difference can be seen even from the way people feel, for example, at weddings or meetings - the experts say about it, "Journal of consumer research." Canadian scientists conducted an experiment during which the seated volunteer at the tables of various shapes and studied their reactions when viewing the set of commercials: sitting at a round or oval table expressed greater confidence subjects of family and friends, while for rectangular tables subjects interested rollers on independent personalities and Mavericks.
Even the shape of the chair or stool can wake one of two opposite tendencies: the geometry of planting one chair awakens the desire to please, and sitting in the other, the person will try to isolate themselves. For example, the armchairs are often used in the filming of the television talk shows to create a guest appearance at the "warm reception».
The study authors added: "This law works everywhere - in hotels, restaurants, public transport, doctors' offices and waiting rooms. Soft and rounded location enhances the desire to please, to belong, and rigid and angular seat wake individualist and snob ».
via factroom.ru