What happens if you eat a teaspoon of white dwarf material
Astronomer tells how the star when making vnutr
As suggested by astronomer at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Mark Hammergrim, everything would certainly have ended very sadly. First we need to get to the star, the nearest of which is located in 8, 6 light years away from our planet. Suppose you were able to get close to it, escaping death by radiation and extremely high temperatures, and now we need to get a sample of very dense matter, with the attraction of white dwarfs is usually in the hundreds of thousands of times stronger than Earth's.
Do not forget that the high pressure inside the star would lead to the fact that the hydrogen atoms contained in the cells of your body will be converted into helium atoms - about the same thing happening in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.
When the sample material will be under conditions of extremely low pressure for him, it may explode with a temperature in the range of 10 thousand to 100 thousand C. A spoon of such matter can weigh about five tons as Hammergrim joked: "It's good that the gravitational field of the the amount of the substance will not be enough to break a man inside ».
If you manage to overcome all these obstacles and still try the substance of the stars most likely, it will disappoint you: According to the scientist, it is tasteless, like helium, or remind coal as the main components of white dwarfs - helium and carbon.
Besides, it makes no sense to fly 8, 6 light years to try stellar matter of taste - everything around us was once part of a huge cloud of gas that we call stars, and consists of the same chemical elements, so it is best to explore on subject nutrients your fridge.
via factroom.ru
As suggested by astronomer at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Mark Hammergrim, everything would certainly have ended very sadly. First we need to get to the star, the nearest of which is located in 8, 6 light years away from our planet. Suppose you were able to get close to it, escaping death by radiation and extremely high temperatures, and now we need to get a sample of very dense matter, with the attraction of white dwarfs is usually in the hundreds of thousands of times stronger than Earth's.
Do not forget that the high pressure inside the star would lead to the fact that the hydrogen atoms contained in the cells of your body will be converted into helium atoms - about the same thing happening in the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.
When the sample material will be under conditions of extremely low pressure for him, it may explode with a temperature in the range of 10 thousand to 100 thousand C. A spoon of such matter can weigh about five tons as Hammergrim joked: "It's good that the gravitational field of the the amount of the substance will not be enough to break a man inside ».
If you manage to overcome all these obstacles and still try the substance of the stars most likely, it will disappoint you: According to the scientist, it is tasteless, like helium, or remind coal as the main components of white dwarfs - helium and carbon.
Besides, it makes no sense to fly 8, 6 light years to try stellar matter of taste - everything around us was once part of a huge cloud of gas that we call stars, and consists of the same chemical elements, so it is best to explore on subject nutrients your fridge.
via factroom.ru
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Human comfort zone - from 20 to 40 cm from the face (toward better not to climb)