Rules of life the three famous women
Quotes recognized experts in the field krasotyZnamenitye women are rarely stupid: as a rule, they firmly know what they want and achieve it. And they all, without exception, recognize that beauty - a weapon no less terrible than the gun. Read the rules of the three famous women - perhaps you will understand many things for yourself.
1. Sophie Loren
- Every woman the more necessary physical and moral discipline, the older it becomes. It is the ability to be disciplined, consistent, persistent distinguished beauty of ordinary women. If a woman has a character, if it is an extraordinary person, even with modest external data of its attraction over the years only increases the charm and style perfected and acquire a finished look. The fountain of youth - it is your mind, and the best form of feminine beauty - simplicity, serenity, inner harmony.
- Woman, firmly confident in its beauty, will be able, in the end, convince the rest of it.
- It's hard to be irresistible, if you're lazy.
- When friends reminded me that for more than sixty years, I myself could not believe it. It seems that I was still twelve years. I probably stayed in the childhood and look at the world with wide eyes. I'm still interested to live.
- I'm thankful for every day that, for the opportunity to continually discover something new ... If you happen to save the soul of the child, then the best thing in your life is still ahead.
2. Evelyn Hromchenko
- Do not be shy of its forms. All that the Lord has given you - beautiful. And if it is beautiful, it is necessary to emphasize their shape. The main thing - do it wisely and carefully.
- If the external content disgusting, internal content nobody knows. A man with a rich inner content does not allow itself to keep its outer shell in disarray.
- Well-groomed woman always gets what woman can not achieve in a bathrobe.
- Take the money set aside for a rainy day, and buy yourself a new pair of shoes. And maybe a rainy day would never come.
- You can never be dismissed. One should always be in shape. You can not show up in a bad condition, especially the families and friends - they are afraid. And the enemies, on the contrary, experiencing happiness. Therefore, no matter what happens, be sure to think about what you look like.
- A man can fail, the mirror - never!
- A woman should first look good for yourself. Once you start to take care of themselves, there will be around people who will take care of you. First of all, we are living for yourself, and then to others.
3. Coco Shanel
- Hands - the card of the girl; neck - her passport; Breast - passport.
- Not every woman is born beautiful, but if it does not become so for 30 years - it is simply stupid.
- The worse case of the girl, the better it should look like.
- Food should be simple. Sleep good seven to eight hours, so if you want to, with the windows open. Get up early, work hard, very hard. It does not hurt anyone, because that will create good spirits, and the spirit, in turn, will take care about the fate of the body. Do not stay up late. In the end, what this really valuable in the social life you have neglected the pillow to wake up early in the morning!
- To remain indispensable, do not be like others.
- You do not get a second chance to make a first impression.
1. Sophie Loren
- Every woman the more necessary physical and moral discipline, the older it becomes. It is the ability to be disciplined, consistent, persistent distinguished beauty of ordinary women. If a woman has a character, if it is an extraordinary person, even with modest external data of its attraction over the years only increases the charm and style perfected and acquire a finished look. The fountain of youth - it is your mind, and the best form of feminine beauty - simplicity, serenity, inner harmony.
- Woman, firmly confident in its beauty, will be able, in the end, convince the rest of it.
- It's hard to be irresistible, if you're lazy.
- When friends reminded me that for more than sixty years, I myself could not believe it. It seems that I was still twelve years. I probably stayed in the childhood and look at the world with wide eyes. I'm still interested to live.
- I'm thankful for every day that, for the opportunity to continually discover something new ... If you happen to save the soul of the child, then the best thing in your life is still ahead.
2. Evelyn Hromchenko
- Do not be shy of its forms. All that the Lord has given you - beautiful. And if it is beautiful, it is necessary to emphasize their shape. The main thing - do it wisely and carefully.
- If the external content disgusting, internal content nobody knows. A man with a rich inner content does not allow itself to keep its outer shell in disarray.
- Well-groomed woman always gets what woman can not achieve in a bathrobe.
- Take the money set aside for a rainy day, and buy yourself a new pair of shoes. And maybe a rainy day would never come.
- You can never be dismissed. One should always be in shape. You can not show up in a bad condition, especially the families and friends - they are afraid. And the enemies, on the contrary, experiencing happiness. Therefore, no matter what happens, be sure to think about what you look like.
- A man can fail, the mirror - never!
- A woman should first look good for yourself. Once you start to take care of themselves, there will be around people who will take care of you. First of all, we are living for yourself, and then to others.
3. Coco Shanel
- Hands - the card of the girl; neck - her passport; Breast - passport.
- Not every woman is born beautiful, but if it does not become so for 30 years - it is simply stupid.
- The worse case of the girl, the better it should look like.
- Food should be simple. Sleep good seven to eight hours, so if you want to, with the windows open. Get up early, work hard, very hard. It does not hurt anyone, because that will create good spirits, and the spirit, in turn, will take care about the fate of the body. Do not stay up late. In the end, what this really valuable in the social life you have neglected the pillow to wake up early in the morning!
- To remain indispensable, do not be like others.
- You do not get a second chance to make a first impression.
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