On Mars, there is water - about a liter for every 0, 02 m3
Good news for kolonistov
A recent analysis of Martian soil gave an incredible result - an average of about 2% by weight of the soil on Mars is water.
According to data published in the journal «Science», for every 0, 02 cubic meters account for slightly less than one liter of water, suggesting that Mars may be found tons of liquid necessary for the life of the first colonists.
In fairness, it should be noted that the Martian water is not in the public domain - its molecules are bound to the minerals contained in the soil. The process of isolation and purification will be very complicated and time consuming, but scientists now are discussing the development of technologies that will help get water in amounts sufficient for the life of the "Martians».
Manipulating «Sample Analysis at Mars» («SAM») - the onboard laboratory rover «Curiosity», the researchers heated a sample of Martian rock to 835 ° C, and by taking a sample gas, which then allocated among carbon dioxide, oxygen and sulfur compounds scientists We were surprised to find a large enough amount of water.
It is expected that the water is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the Red Planet, which will facilitate its allocation and use in the future, and also allows you to consider various options for deployment of the first Martian colony. In addition, the discovery of water there is no need to transport its reserves on Earth and the future of trans-planetary flight will take into account every kilogram of payload.
Unfortunately, the water of Mars differs from Earth's high perchlorates - toxic derivative of perchloric acid, which are dangerous to humans. Future "Martians" will have to be very careful in the allocation of water from the ground, because even 0, 5% (an average concentration of perchlorate in Martian water) sufficient to cause fatal disturbances in the thyroid gland.
via factroom.ru

A recent analysis of Martian soil gave an incredible result - an average of about 2% by weight of the soil on Mars is water.
According to data published in the journal «Science», for every 0, 02 cubic meters account for slightly less than one liter of water, suggesting that Mars may be found tons of liquid necessary for the life of the first colonists.
In fairness, it should be noted that the Martian water is not in the public domain - its molecules are bound to the minerals contained in the soil. The process of isolation and purification will be very complicated and time consuming, but scientists now are discussing the development of technologies that will help get water in amounts sufficient for the life of the "Martians».
Manipulating «Sample Analysis at Mars» («SAM») - the onboard laboratory rover «Curiosity», the researchers heated a sample of Martian rock to 835 ° C, and by taking a sample gas, which then allocated among carbon dioxide, oxygen and sulfur compounds scientists We were surprised to find a large enough amount of water.
It is expected that the water is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the Red Planet, which will facilitate its allocation and use in the future, and also allows you to consider various options for deployment of the first Martian colony. In addition, the discovery of water there is no need to transport its reserves on Earth and the future of trans-planetary flight will take into account every kilogram of payload.
Unfortunately, the water of Mars differs from Earth's high perchlorates - toxic derivative of perchloric acid, which are dangerous to humans. Future "Martians" will have to be very careful in the allocation of water from the ground, because even 0, 5% (an average concentration of perchlorate in Martian water) sufficient to cause fatal disturbances in the thyroid gland.
via factroom.ru
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