Train the mind
To learn how to help themselves myslennoVizualiziruyte skills that want to get. What would you do, what goals have planned to accomplish - take the time during the day and at bedtime to practice visualization: Imagine the details desired. Just do not thing I would like to have, but a skill that want to get.
Scientific obyasnenieVizualizatsiya - a concept known as a specialist in the area of the brain, and a wide range of people. The ability of the human brain to learn is so great that even the mere idea makes him the desired action "include" activity in those areas that are responsible for these acts committed in reality. This applies to any actions that even heavy physical exertion, when you imagine that, for example, raises the bar to the desired muscles rushes blood to the brain prepares them to load. Of course, one's imagination, you do not pump up muscles, but the rendering is able to cut your way to the dream and to strengthen motivation.
However, this breynhak works only when you visualize their own actions, not the result of, for example, visualization of the new beautiful car you may only soul warm, and, say, visualization of Action on making money on this machine will help to put in order thoughts and set itself a number of precise tasks.
References: Chris Frith, "Brain and Soul" 2010
via factroom.ru
Scientific obyasnenieVizualizatsiya - a concept known as a specialist in the area of the brain, and a wide range of people. The ability of the human brain to learn is so great that even the mere idea makes him the desired action "include" activity in those areas that are responsible for these acts committed in reality. This applies to any actions that even heavy physical exertion, when you imagine that, for example, raises the bar to the desired muscles rushes blood to the brain prepares them to load. Of course, one's imagination, you do not pump up muscles, but the rendering is able to cut your way to the dream and to strengthen motivation.
However, this breynhak works only when you visualize their own actions, not the result of, for example, visualization of the new beautiful car you may only soul warm, and, say, visualization of Action on making money on this machine will help to put in order thoughts and set itself a number of precise tasks.
References: Chris Frith, "Brain and Soul" 2010
via factroom.ru