10 Easy Steps to a pleasant and Christmas mood
That same feeling prazdnika
The great thing in the New Year's holidays - is not gifts. No tree or olive. The cool thing, a significant and expected New Year's time - is the mood and atmosphere! We have compiled 10 simple tips that will help you find the right place for sentiment in the cycle of the pre-bustle.
1. Pattern the! 98,183,140
For New Year's mood burst into your home and into your life, you need to start with a visualization of the holiday. Prepare your home for a miracle not only inside but also outside. Lights, candles, cozy blankets and plush snowmen waiting for the hour when you pull them from the dusty mezzanine. Go to the stores for florists and decorators, there can be purchased artificial but still beautiful branch of mistletoe and holly, Christmas toys neat and flashlights at wholesale price. Someone keeps the old Soviet toys and paper garlands, they can also go to the cause and fill the house retro details.
If you live in an apartment, that's no reason not to think about decorating your windows or yard of a house. Hang Christmas wreath on the door to the guests immediately tuned to the New Year's miracle, decorate with colored window girdyandami, making a snowman with the kids - and life is just beginning to look like a fairy tale.
2. Become pekarem
Late November and December - the time to homemade cookies, tea and spices, and a good book. Biscuits, to the same - it's a great reason to get together with friends. Even if you are no longer 10 years old, baking gingerbread reindeer and snowmen - activity still fascinating. Moreover, here you can give free rein to imagination: ornament cookie icing is likely to turn to spring cleaning the kitchen, but it will take you into the world of childhood. The aroma of vanilla, ginger and fresh pastries turn the head and left no chance to fight back the good mood.
3. Go for podarkami
Think about what it would be nicer to just get your family and friends, and not waiting for the shops and shopping centers become tight tower of Babel, start shopping. Gifts nice to not only give and receive, but also to choose. And packaging, sign and put under the tree, every time admiring this dump boxes and color boxes, going into the living room.
4. Look New Year kino
Yes, it's all fairy tales and true, and there is no Santa Claus not climb into your house, smeared with burning of your fireplace, but the New Year is still a reason to at least a little afford to dream. Make a list of good movies about Christmas and New Year. Do not be limited to "Love Actually" and "Ivan Vasilyevich" because world cinema every year provides viewers wonderful films. Choose what you like: the old Hollywood movies and European indie film, most importantly, to about snow and faith in miracles. Do not watch this movie alone and do not hesitate to shed tears of emotion: have the right!
5. walk the fotoapparat
We all have friends who do not mind to go to the photo-walk, and maybe this one just you. Under the new year, all cities of the country are starting to come alive and to grow with lights, trees and ice towns, as you wrap up in mohair sweaters and kilometer scarves, and so you can go play in the snow, and ride with, in between times, to be photographed.
6. Write letters to family and druzyam
Write letters. Freehand. On paper. His uneven handwriting. Because these lists will be stored for much longer than the abandonment in the depths of the Internet message. Tell me how you love, those who for a long time did not say. Tell us how you are happy that someone came into your life this year. I apologize to those who offend. New Year - a time when you can completely Legitimate be sentimental, and it certainly resound in the hearts of other people.
7. Listen to the New Year muzyku
Download to your phone from the US pop music 30s on New Year's miracles. Cut the CD to the machine with the songs of Soviet cartoons Christmas. Find and download a collection of Catholic or Orthodox Christmas songs. This will not only create the right atmosphere, but will also protect itself from intrusive netlenki "Disco Crash" and dilute the notorious «Jingle Bells».
8. Arrange the New Year vecherinku
Seriously, November - it's time to start preparing everything to be really nice and festive, and no one in the end he fell asleep at the table, eating a herring under a fur coat, and Olivier. Sign up for a course on the festive table setting, think about how the soundtrack you are ready to accompany the celebration, select good champagne and think about the optimization of food resources: maybe reception - this is your format, and it's time to look into the culinary magazine in search of recipes cool canapes and tartlets? < br />
9. Do dobro
Remember "A Christmas Carol" Dickens? When we are kind to others around the world is changing. Give a holiday to those who we have never been able to enjoy it without your help - is priceless. Gather old clothes, toys and books and take them to orphanages. Buy candy and share rebyatnya, to beg in the market. Help Charity Fund to pack gifts for hospice patients. Do not stop, well - it's a way to find the meaning of existence, and New Year's Eve - not a time for selfishness.
10. Summarize, build plany
Make a list of your personal achievements during the past year, even if it seems that they are not. They're still there. You were a good-natured and courageous man, overcome difficulties, and perhaps left the hateful work or digging in the sand with Goan your firstborn. And maybe win a slut, mastered "Anna Karenina" and memorized 200 English verbs. Praise yourself and make room for novh victories. Write new listing plan for the next year and then forget about it. A year later, find and check that has come true, and what is not worth it to come true.
... And the bold move into a new dvetysyachi fifteenth: chewing ginger rabbit, wrapped in a woolen blanket and with an armful of candy to children who do not have their family.
via factroom.ru

The great thing in the New Year's holidays - is not gifts. No tree or olive. The cool thing, a significant and expected New Year's time - is the mood and atmosphere! We have compiled 10 simple tips that will help you find the right place for sentiment in the cycle of the pre-bustle.
1. Pattern the! 98,183,140
For New Year's mood burst into your home and into your life, you need to start with a visualization of the holiday. Prepare your home for a miracle not only inside but also outside. Lights, candles, cozy blankets and plush snowmen waiting for the hour when you pull them from the dusty mezzanine. Go to the stores for florists and decorators, there can be purchased artificial but still beautiful branch of mistletoe and holly, Christmas toys neat and flashlights at wholesale price. Someone keeps the old Soviet toys and paper garlands, they can also go to the cause and fill the house retro details.
If you live in an apartment, that's no reason not to think about decorating your windows or yard of a house. Hang Christmas wreath on the door to the guests immediately tuned to the New Year's miracle, decorate with colored window girdyandami, making a snowman with the kids - and life is just beginning to look like a fairy tale.
2. Become pekarem

Late November and December - the time to homemade cookies, tea and spices, and a good book. Biscuits, to the same - it's a great reason to get together with friends. Even if you are no longer 10 years old, baking gingerbread reindeer and snowmen - activity still fascinating. Moreover, here you can give free rein to imagination: ornament cookie icing is likely to turn to spring cleaning the kitchen, but it will take you into the world of childhood. The aroma of vanilla, ginger and fresh pastries turn the head and left no chance to fight back the good mood.
3. Go for podarkami

Think about what it would be nicer to just get your family and friends, and not waiting for the shops and shopping centers become tight tower of Babel, start shopping. Gifts nice to not only give and receive, but also to choose. And packaging, sign and put under the tree, every time admiring this dump boxes and color boxes, going into the living room.
4. Look New Year kino

Yes, it's all fairy tales and true, and there is no Santa Claus not climb into your house, smeared with burning of your fireplace, but the New Year is still a reason to at least a little afford to dream. Make a list of good movies about Christmas and New Year. Do not be limited to "Love Actually" and "Ivan Vasilyevich" because world cinema every year provides viewers wonderful films. Choose what you like: the old Hollywood movies and European indie film, most importantly, to about snow and faith in miracles. Do not watch this movie alone and do not hesitate to shed tears of emotion: have the right!
5. walk the fotoapparat

We all have friends who do not mind to go to the photo-walk, and maybe this one just you. Under the new year, all cities of the country are starting to come alive and to grow with lights, trees and ice towns, as you wrap up in mohair sweaters and kilometer scarves, and so you can go play in the snow, and ride with, in between times, to be photographed.
6. Write letters to family and druzyam

Write letters. Freehand. On paper. His uneven handwriting. Because these lists will be stored for much longer than the abandonment in the depths of the Internet message. Tell me how you love, those who for a long time did not say. Tell us how you are happy that someone came into your life this year. I apologize to those who offend. New Year - a time when you can completely Legitimate be sentimental, and it certainly resound in the hearts of other people.
7. Listen to the New Year muzyku

Download to your phone from the US pop music 30s on New Year's miracles. Cut the CD to the machine with the songs of Soviet cartoons Christmas. Find and download a collection of Catholic or Orthodox Christmas songs. This will not only create the right atmosphere, but will also protect itself from intrusive netlenki "Disco Crash" and dilute the notorious «Jingle Bells».
8. Arrange the New Year vecherinku

Seriously, November - it's time to start preparing everything to be really nice and festive, and no one in the end he fell asleep at the table, eating a herring under a fur coat, and Olivier. Sign up for a course on the festive table setting, think about how the soundtrack you are ready to accompany the celebration, select good champagne and think about the optimization of food resources: maybe reception - this is your format, and it's time to look into the culinary magazine in search of recipes cool canapes and tartlets? < br />
9. Do dobro

Remember "A Christmas Carol" Dickens? When we are kind to others around the world is changing. Give a holiday to those who we have never been able to enjoy it without your help - is priceless. Gather old clothes, toys and books and take them to orphanages. Buy candy and share rebyatnya, to beg in the market. Help Charity Fund to pack gifts for hospice patients. Do not stop, well - it's a way to find the meaning of existence, and New Year's Eve - not a time for selfishness.
10. Summarize, build plany

Make a list of your personal achievements during the past year, even if it seems that they are not. They're still there. You were a good-natured and courageous man, overcome difficulties, and perhaps left the hateful work or digging in the sand with Goan your firstborn. And maybe win a slut, mastered "Anna Karenina" and memorized 200 English verbs. Praise yourself and make room for novh victories. Write new listing plan for the next year and then forget about it. A year later, find and check that has come true, and what is not worth it to come true.
... And the bold move into a new dvetysyachi fifteenth: chewing ginger rabbit, wrapped in a woolen blanket and with an armful of candy to children who do not have their family.
via factroom.ru