General and boar

As lieutenants, generals went on the hunt "insure." One such, in the rank of lieutenant-general, came to the "Lexus". Equipment- Austrian gun with Zeiss optics, a huge knife, camouflage on request. They sat down at the table, and it has suffered: on rhino hunting, hunting elephants, leopards hunted ... The next morning went to the forest, and I dropped it to insure it. He looked at me, as a dried spit, smiled, put wide skis and pochapal Cabana ... we waited for forty minutes. And then he jumped out ... not a wild boar, however, and gilt, so the size of about a half-zhigulёnka. General gun stuck in the snow, and slowly unbuckled the knife ...
I realized that something was about to happen, I'm going to talk to the old-age grandchildren. And I was not mistaken: the general leaned toward skiing, cut mounting and three tug was on the nearest birch ...
It's my production
Comparative physiology of dinosaurs and birds. Popularly about obscure. Part 1, "The bones of the Titans"