Top 10 military citations for modern business:

1. General Norman Schwarzkopf:
"You can not help someone to climb the mountain, to come close to its summit».
2. Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery:
"Every soldier must know before you go into battle, as small battle fit into the overall picture of the battle and the success of personal struggle will affect the battle as a whole».
3. John Marsh:
"The creative leader is the one who will change the positions of the doctrine, use new weapons systems to develop new tactics and change the art of warfare».
4. General George Kenney:
"Optimism - an essential feature of leadership. I will always remember the hardest days of the end of 1942 then General MacArthur said four words: "George, we'll do it!". Such an attitude always leads to victory ».
5. General Harold Johnson:
"Communications, or, in other words, the ability to let people know in simple words what you expect of them, and the ability to show an interest in them - all this is the key to successful leadership».
6. General Dwight Eisenhower:
"I would prefer to convince a person to go along, because then he will cherish me. If I scare him, he will be with me only as long as afraid of me ».
7. General Omar Bradley:
"Leadership can not feel, it is immaterial, which is why no modern weapons can not replace him».
8. General George Patton:
"Never tell people how to do it. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity ».
9. Admiral Horatio Nelson:
"Gentlemen, when the enemy makes mistakes, we must not interrupt him too soon».
10. General Colin Powell:
"There is no particular secret of success. Success - a result of hard work, hard training and learning from mistakes. "