10+ most horrible Deep creature that you can imagine ...
Mariana Trench is the deepest place on earth. The trough is off the coast of Japan, and stretches almost 1600 km. The average depth along the trench 6, 8 km. Perhaps it is not too deep, but the atmospheric pressure at the bottom of the trough is a thousand times greater than at sea level.
Despite this incredible pressure, the Mariana Trench boasts truly extraordinary creatures that inhabit it in abundance. Most of them - it is the most ancient creatures that lived thousands of years before the appearance of cheloveka.
Despite this incredible pressure, the Mariana Trench boasts truly extraordinary creatures that inhabit it in abundance. Most of them - it is the most ancient creatures that lived thousands of years before the appearance of cheloveka.
20+ animals that made the wrong decision, and immediately regretted it ...
20+ animals who want to travel to travel more for their owners