That's what they brought to argue about the color of the dress!
Charitable Society "Salvation Army" launched public service announcements against violence against women. Corresponding entry was posted on Twitter of the South African branch of the organization. The campaign posters appeared famous dress of unknown color, blow up the Internet in late February.
Recall that dress Tumblr has become a real virus because of its indeterminate color. Famous Western publications, pop stars and scientists argue, what color dress mysterious - blue with black or white with gold.
The poster shows a wounded model in the famous dress. The inscription on the poster reads: « So hard to see black and blue? One out of six women - victims of violence ».

Recall that dress Tumblr has become a real virus because of its indeterminate color. Famous Western publications, pop stars and scientists argue, what color dress mysterious - blue with black or white with gold.
The poster shows a wounded model in the famous dress. The inscription on the poster reads: « So hard to see black and blue? One out of six women - victims of violence ».
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