These old men erases all age boundaries and break down stereotypes with the help of ...
Street art and graffiti in particular, has always been a stumbling block between the younger and older generations. In this regard between old men and young people always had a misunderstanding - the generation gap made itself felt. But informal artistic organization, which is located in Lisbon, was able to overcome this huge gap. LATA 65 erases age limits and destroys the social stereotypes.
65 LATA project organizers tried to involve the elderly in contemporary street art.
They provided everything for the elderly this necessary.
Now things were for small - to find the old city walls, where it was possible to realize a creative idea.
The main objective of this program - to build a reliable bridge the gap between the older and younger generations.
And most importantly - the elderly were able to unwind a little bit and got on a straightforward fun great fun!

65 LATA project organizers tried to involve the elderly in contemporary street art.

They provided everything for the elderly this necessary.

Now things were for small - to find the old city walls, where it was possible to realize a creative idea.

The main objective of this program - to build a reliable bridge the gap between the older and younger generations.

And most importantly - the elderly were able to unwind a little bit and got on a straightforward fun great fun!

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